Daily Stormer
June 5, 2014

Out in Africa it is quite common for Blacks to have children just so that they can sell them as slaves. Of course if the child dies, then they would usually just eat it. But thanks to the generous British welfare system, this enterprising Black was able to continue making money from his offspring for another 10 years after she had passed away.
From the Express:
A SHAMELESS dad escaped a jail sentence despite pocketing £49,000 in benefits for 10 years after his baby daughter died.
Jem Bakalej conned taxpayers, brazenly creaming off handouts by pretending he was a single parent.
Grace died just a month after she was born in 2001 – but Bakalej collected £35,359 in income support, £6,806 in child tax credits and £6,826 in child benefit until November 2011.
He avoided prison because his autistic son depends on him.
Instead he was given a 12-month sentence, suspended for two years, at Northampton Crown Court yesterday after pleading guilty to three counts of cheating the public revenue.
Bakalej, who has not worked since 2000, was ordered to pay back the money at the rate of £20 a week. It means he will not settle the debt until he is 102.
During her short life Grace lived with her mother who also received child benefit for the couple’s three other children.