Shania Twain, Canadian Country Singer, Forced to Apologize for Saying She Would Have Voted Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2018

She has committed the ultimate sin. Crucify her.

This is possibly the nuttiest apology to the Jews thus far.

It wasn’t a lot of celebrities that voted for Trump – Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, Hulk Hogan, Dana White, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Mike Tyson (black so doesn’t really count I guess) off the top of my head (there are probably a couple more, I dunno) – but none of them were asked to apologize for it.

And none of them were country music singers either (although I imagine there were a bunch of country music figures who also did support him).

And Shania didn’t even actually vote for him, apparently – she just said she would have if she wasn’t a filthy Canadian swine.

Washington Post:

On Sunday morning, the Guardian published a long profile of Shania Twain, timed to the country-pop superstar’s new tour that will begin next week. In the second-to-last paragraph, Canadian-born Twain revealed that if she had been eligible to vote in the 2016 presidential election, she would have supported Donald Trump.

“I would have voted for him because, even though he was offensive, he seemed honest,” said Twain, 52. “Do you want straight or polite? Not that you shouldn’t be able to have both. If I were voting, I just don’t want bull—-. I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent. And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?”

You would think that this would be the default position of anyone who wasn’t explicitly concerned with politics – “the guy seems like he isn’t totally full of shit, so I’m gonna go with him.”

Her quote went viral on social media, and hours later, “Shania Twain” was trending worldwide on Twitter. Given that lots of people were not pleased by her comments, the hashtag #ShaniaTwainCancelled had hundreds of tweets.

Twain, the highest-selling solo female artist in country music history, apologized Sunday night after the backlash intensified. She called her answer to the Guardian “awkward” and said that she wished she had given it more context. Twain also emphasized that she does not endorse Trump.

Twain emphasized inclusivity and that she is “passionately against discrimination” because many were discouraged to see someone considered an LGBT-friendly artist say they would vote for Trump, who supported a ban on transgender people serving in the military, among other policies.

Yeah, okay.

Sure, bitch.

Trannies again.

The eternal tranny – cause of the century.

Everything is riding on the tranny finally being free of the yoke of having been born with a benis.

This is the true face of the oppression of the eternal sexual proletariat 

I don’t think anyone gives a shit about you, so you went ahead and sold out your soul and apologized for nothing, no one will forgive – I don’t even forgive you for being the female Garth Brooks before this particularly weird incident even happened.

Country music used to be AWESOME.

It used to be about drinking, shooting speed and beating up women.

And you destroyed it with your goofy, sappy, cartoon bullshit.

Finding out you’re from Canada – makes perfect sense.

I’ll bet Garth is from Canada too.

What a disgusting country.

You people are absolute filth.

Keanu is the only one worth a shit.

And he’s Chinese.