This is just going to encourage them all the more.
While Christian laws against usury, sodomy, miscegenation and multiculturalism are being ignored or denied that they ever existed, laws from the Koran are now being officially incorporated into the British legal system.
Islamic law is set to be effectively enshrined in the British legal system for the first time in a controversial move that will allow solicitors to draw up ‘sharia-compliant’ wills.
New guidance from the Law Society will allow solicitors to write wills that can deny women an equal share of inheritance and exclude ‘non-believers’ altogether while still being compliant with British law, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
Accurate cartoon.
The move has been highly criticised by Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer who leads a campaign to protect women from religiously sanctioned discrimination, who said the development was ‘deeply disturbing’.
‘This violates everything that we stand for,’ she said. ‘It would make the suffragettes turn in their graves.’
Some lawyers have also been critical of the move, describing it as ‘astonishing’ and suggesting that it could be the first step to a ‘parallel legal system’ in Britain.
According to the report, inheritances in Islamic custom are determined by a list of heirs through ties of kinship rather than named individuals as is custom in the UK.
Although sharia principles are not currently recognised by British courts a system of such courts has grown across the country to help mediate in disputes between Muslim families.
The new guidance will allow people the freedom to choose a will to reflect their own religious beliefs but will no doubt spark a wider debate around the implications for gender equality.