She-Beast Security Guard at Juvenile Facility Arrested for Sex with 23-Year-Old Inmate

The 23-year-old is just a child who didn’t know what a vagina was?

I will grant you that he was “vulnerable” in that he had been locked in a cage since he was a teenager and had no access to sex and was therefore willing to have sex with a she-beast. But I mean, he was probably black and would have done it anyway.

The bitch should obviously be fired, but what exactly is this other than a workplace violation?

Why is the US government so utterly obsessed with regulating heterosexual sexual behaviors, even whilst they are normalizing the more satanic forms of sodomy?

New York Post:

A corrections officer at a juvenile facility in Washington allegedly groomed an inmate and forced him to record their sexual rendezvous — fearing the sexual deviant would punish or harm him if he refused, according to police and prosecutors.

Michelle Goodman, 31, was arrested on Wednesday for convincing the 23-year-old inmate to record their sexual trysts in the bathroom of the Green Hill School in Chehalis, a state-run rehabilitation center that houses older male youth and young adults who committed crimes as children.

Michelle Goodman AKA “The Great White Whale”

Prosecutors said the alleged sexual predator was also captured on surveillance footage taking the victim to a staff locker area in the facility on two separate occasions in January 2024, according to court documents obtained by KOMO News.

Chehalis police launched their investigation after receiving reports that a female correctional officer was involved with a male inmate, authorities announced in a Facebook post.

Investigators contacted the inmate’s attorney, who provided numerous screenshots of the two engaged in sexual acts together, including sex.

The lawsuit alleges that “Goodman repeatedly wanted to be filmed performing oral sex and having intercourse,” according to KOMO News, with the inmate’s attorney arguing he was terrified Goodman would “punish him and harm him if he rejected her advances.”

Yeah, okay. The guy who had been locked in prison for years didn’t want sex. Okay. It’s abuse. Okay.

This is retarded.

A screenshot from one of the sexual encounters

This 23-year-old inmate had been in prison for at least six years, because the fact he was still in juvie means he was incarcerated as a minor. It’s probably longer, based on the length of the sentence and the fact he was not tried as an adult. Most likely, this was a black who committed a murder under the age of 14, so he’s probably been in for ten years. Who here among you can say with conviction they would not hit that she-beast after being locked in a cage for this long?

At no time ever in human history have we had the kind of celebration of sexual deviancy that we have right now. People will bring up Ancient Greece or Roman decadence, but that was limited to elite groups and was not widely celebrated. It was also only pederasty, which is an adult male with a teen boy. They were not doing gay orgies in the streets, like with these “pride parades,” and they were not taking toddlers to be indoctrinated at “tranny story time.” They were not teaching gay anal in school. They sure as hell were not selling babies to homosexuals. Frankly, even in Greece or Rome (or Japan, the anal capital of earth), “homosexuality” didn’t really even exist, it was simply that otherwise heterosexual men would have anal sex with teen boys.

Note: Prostitution was outlawed in Europe at various points during the Middle Ages, but not on the basis of morality, but rather to deal with the spread of venereal disease. 

Just so, at no time ever in human history was heterosexual sex regulated to this extent. In Christian culture, two unmarried heterosexuals engaging in sex, regardless of age, was a matter for the individuals involved to take up with the Church. The government had nothing to say about an immorality involving two individuals where no one is physically harmed. Even in Islam, where religion and state have traditionally been much more integrated, the punishment for two unmarried people having sex has only been a beating, not years in prison.

Adultery has generally always been a crime, but that’s not a crime now. When these married teachers have sex with teen boys, they are not charged with adultery. The boy is not charged with anything, and is instead portrayed as a “victim.”

It’s obviously distasteful for a teacher to have sex with a student, but it’s going to happen as long as there are female teachers looking over male students. Regardless, sex should be a private matter. If the teachers get caught by the school faculty, they should be fired and that should be the end of it. The government has no role here.

Where is the crime?!?

What you have is a creeping program to outlaw heterosexual behavior. All of this stuff around consent theory is a creeping thing, just like gun control. When you hear about a plan to ban bump stocks or Glock switches, you are immediately against it, because you understand that even while these items might not be particularly important to you, they are part of a program to chip away at gun rights. It’s the same thing with these prosecutions of seemingly distasteful heterosexual sexual matters: they are chipping away at the legality of heterosexual behavior.

Every white man is on edge around women at this point. There are virtually no opportunities for initiating mating, other than using apps, which is only about one night stands and is just a way for the most attractive men to have sex with all of the women. Normal sex behavior has broken down completely, and this puritanism regarding heterosexual behavior simply does not jive with the extremist liberalism with regards to homosexual behavior. It also does not jive with Pakistanis in the UK being allowed to pick up 13-year-old girls outside the school and turn them into junkie-hookers.

All of these things put together cannot be a coincidence. We are witnessing a direct assault on heterosexuality.