Sheboon Drugs White Guy Before Looting His Apartment and Stealing His Dog

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2017

Never under any circumstances allow a Black to enter your apartment.

Also never accept food or drinks from them.


Daniel King said he never imagined a night at an Uptown bar would lead to one of the worst nights of his life. He met this woman and brought her to his apartment at the W.

“She made drinks. We sat down at my table, and we were talking. Quite honestly, there is not a whole lot I remember after that,” said King.

Police believe he was drugged and then passed out for several hours.

While he was unconscious, the woman ransacked his apartment and even stole his 9-week-old puppy Daisy. Police released surveillance video of the woman leaving with the puppy.

Daniel may not be able alone. Police are looking into at least four other cases of men they think may have been drugged and robbed by the same woman.