Shifty-Eyed Mexican President Vows Not to Pay for the Wall

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2017

This Mexican greasebag still hasn’t figured out what is going on here.

Fox News:

Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto Wednesday condemned U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order to build a wall on the border betwen the two countries, and reiterated that his country will not pay for it.

“I regret and reject the decision of the U.S. to build the wall,” Pena Nieto said in a nationally televised address.

Pena Nieto did not directly mention whether he would still make a planned trip to Washington on Jan. 31, but said he would await reports from the high-level team of Mexican officials currently meeting with Trump administration officials in Washington.

“Based on the final report from the Mexican officials who are in Washington right now … I will make decisions about what to do next,” he said.

After talking tough about the wall, he held out an olive branch, saying “Mexico re-affirms its friendship with the people of the United States, and its willingness to reach agreements with its government.”

The decision to possibly rethink the visit comes amid growing outrage in Mexico, and a sense among many that Pena Nieto has been too weak in the face of Trump’s tough policy stance.

The senior official, who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press the administration “is considering” scrapping Pena Nieto’s visit to the U.S. “That’s what I can tell you.”

It was not clear when a final decision may be made.

Trump’s order came the same day Mexico’s foreign relations and economy secretaries arrived in Washington, and its timing was seen by many in Mexico as a slap in the face.

Critics of Pena Nieto – whose approval ratings were just 12 percent in a recent survey, the lowest for any Mexican president in the polling era – have hammered him for his perceived weakness on Trump. Opposition politicians urged him Wednesday to call off the trip.

“The position is very clear,” said Ricardo Anaya Cortes, president of the conservative opposition National Action Party. “Either one cancels the meeting with Donald Trump, or one attends it to say publicly and with absolute firmness that Mexico rejects the wall and we will not pay a single cent for it.”

“Mexico is going to pay for it” never meant that Mexico would somehow be convinced to write a check. That was just a fun language thing, and was featured on an SNL sketch when Trump hosted.

In actual fact, Mexico is going to pay for the wall by having the money extracted from them through tariffs and/or huge taxes on remittances. The only way they can not pay a cent of that would be to totally stop exporting to the US and to stop their people working in the US and sending the money back to Mexico.

And if they willingly do both of those things, then no one is going to care if they pay for the wall or not.

We could also confiscate all of the possessions of the illegals when we deport them – I’m talking pulling the gold out of their teeth, the whole deal.

In actual fact, no one cares now who pays for the wall as long as it gets built, but the Jew media and this insolent Mexican as well as others are trying to use this as the latest “gotcha.” It’s dumb.

Enrique Pena Nieto, the rat, says “Mexico doesn’t believe in walls.”