Shifty Little Fat Boy Starts a Fire Against Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 20, 2017

I have never in my life witnessed such smugness.

What a shifty little shitbag.

Huffington Post:

Tensions were running high across the U.S. in the hours leading up to Donald Trump’s inauguration. In New York alone, roughly 25,000 people gathered on Thursday night to protest the president-elect.

Fox News approached a young boy at a Washington, D.C., demonstration to ask about a fire that had just been put out.

“My name’s Conner and I actually kinda started this fire,” the boy said.

“Why’d you start this fire?” the reporter asked.

“Because I felt like it,” Conner said and, echoing the overall mood of the evening, he added, “I’m just saying, screw our president.”

Someone needs to slap his fat little mouth smdh 2017