Shill Gowdy Says He Won’t Support WARRIOR HERO Jim Jordan’s Holy Crusade Against Kike Rosenstein!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 16, 2018


Trey Gowdy does a great Al Pacino impression at the hearings.

But when it come down to start rounding up kikes and punishing them for their crimes, he’s nowhere to be found.


The chairman of the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Sunday he doesn’t support a push by conservative lawmakers to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“No. For what? Impeach him for what? No,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“I’ve had my differences with Rod Rosenstein. I talk to him quite often privately, which again is a lot more constructive than the public hearings we have,” Gowdy said. “He’s a Trump appointee. So is [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions. So is [FBI Director] Chris Wray. If President Trump is dissatisfied with Rod Rosenstein, he can fire him with a tweet.”

The deputy attorney general, who oversees special counsel Robert Mueller’s sprawling Russia probe and is a frequent target of President Donald Trump’s ire, has been accused by House Republicans of dragging his feet in responding to requests for documents related to Mueller’s work.

What a disgusting disappointment this man is.

How happy I am he’s resigning.

We used to like you, Trey – then you did a talk show tour saying the FBI spying on Trump was good.

Now you’re white knighting for the head active measures kike of this kike conspiracy.

Furthermore, he’s shilling for this idiot fucking nonsense about “25 Russian meddlers.”

CBS News:

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, says  President Trump should ask Russian President Vladimir Putin where exactly “we can pick up the 25 Russians” who have indicted in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I would ask the president to give some serious consideration, your first request of Vladimir Putin needs to be, ‘Tell us which airport we can pick up the 25 Russians that tried to interfere with the fundamentals of our democracy,'” Gowdy told “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

What a piece of shit.

No way in hell he thinks this is real.

No way in hell anyone with an IQ above room temperature thinks it’s real – even the shitlibs themselves don’t believe it, but just push it because it’s good for their agenda against GOD EMPEROR.

I should have known never to trust a grown man who is constantly changing his haircut, facial hair and fashion like some fickle woman.

Jim Jordan has the same haircut he’s had since he graduated high school.

Jim Jordan is a man’s man who CRUSHES kikes – not just talks mean to them.