Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2015

Wow so surprising to see the far-right Paul Ryan selling out the entire country in the name of Obama and ISIS.
But I guess it is necessary to be reasonable. Not unreasonable like that bad Nazi-fascist-Hitler Donald the Racist. You have to accept the reality that you’re going to have ISIS in your country no matter what, then you have to do what you can to bring more ISIS into your country, forever.
It’s only reasonable.
A Saturday report from Fox News’ Chad Pergram lends support to the repeated warnings of Alabama Senators Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is preparing to issue President Obama a blank check in the year-end omnibus to admit Muslims refugees from across the globe. According to Pergram, the massive trillion-dollar omnibus is expected to be made public Monday and voted on Wednesday.
According to Pergram, House Republicans are gearing up to attach a proposal to the omnibus that has been decried by Sessions and others as empowering Obama to bring in an unlimited number of refugees. Pergram writes that the omnibus may include: “some combination language which tightens up the visa waiver program and bolsters a review of Syrian and Iraqi refugees coming to the U.S.”
The language “bolster a review of Syrian and Iraqi refugees,” appears to be a direct reference to the Ryan-McCaul proposal which passed the House on November 19 and was rebuked as a “show vote” that accomplished nothing other than allowing more Muslim refugees into the country.
As Rich Lowry, Mark Levin, Jeff Sessions, and nonpartisan immigration control groups have explained, the Ryan-McCaul measure to screen Syrian and Iraqi refugees will not in any way halt Obama’s refugee resettlement operation. It ignores completely refugees from virtually all Muslim countries that have sent terrorists to America – such as Somalia, Bosnia and Uzbekistan – while still allowing the President to bring in as many Syrian refugees as he wants on top of that. According to a recent YouGov/Economist poll, 66% of women voters oppose bringing any Syrian Muslim refugees to the United States, meaning that the House plan which may be used to grease the skids for the omnibus, could further hurt the GOP with women voters.
Rep. Walter Jones’ office described Ryan’s legislation – which could be used as a sweetener to pass the Omnibus – as a “show vote on refugees… [that] would do nothing to cut off the funding for President Barack Obama’s plan to import tens of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees into the U.S.”Indeed, as Senior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Shelby has explained, blocking Obama’s refugee plan is, “first and foremost… a question of appropriations.”
In a joint statement with Jeff Sessions, Shelby said that if Congress wants to halt the admission of Syrian migrants, “Congress must cancel the President’s blank refugee check and put Congress back in charge of the program.” Shelby explained that if Congress does not include any restrictive language to how the funds can be spent, Ryan’s “omnibus would put the U.S. on a path to approve admission for hundreds of thousands of migrants from a broad range of countries with jihadists movements over the next 12 months, on top of all the other autopilot annual immigration.”
I guess Paul Ryan believes in those “core American values” Obama talks about, which include infinity brown people from everywhere entering America.
Either that or he’s just a shill, like Boehner before him, placed by the Jews to do the bidding of Jews.