Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2018
“Dear President Trump, I want to write you a letter about how angry I am you called my country a shithole, but I can’t read or write because I am a shitholer.”
South Africa wasn’t always a shithole, you know.
It used to be run by the ARYAN MASTER RACE.
But the blacks took over with the help of the Jews.
And now even the MASTER RACE is living under shithole conditions.
It’s the only place in the world whites live in a shithole, other than like, the Ukraine.
South Africa will issue a diplomatic protest to the United States Monday over US President Donald Trump’s “shithole countries” comments, according to its foreign ministry.
During an Oval Office meeting on immigration Thursday, Trump expressed frustration with people coming to the United States from countries in Africa and elsewhere, sources told CNN.
South Africa’s government will formally protest to the US Embassy in Pretoria on Monday, the Department of International Relations announced in a statement released to media on Sunday.
“The Department will provide an opportunity to the Charges de Affaires to explain the statement that African countries, alongside Haiti and El Salvador, constitute ‘shitholes’ from where migrants into the United States are undesirable,” it said.
The statement goes on to say that the government noted Trump’s denial that this exact language was used but said it “has noted further that President Trump’s denial was not categorical, referring only to Haiti and not addressing the entirety of the statement attributed to him.”
“South Africa aligns itself with the statements issued by the African Union and the Africa group of Ambassadors to the United Nations in New York. Africa is united in its affirmation of the dignity of the people of Africa and the African diaspora.
“Relations between South Africa and the United States, and between the rest of Africa and the United States, must be based on mutual respect and understanding,” the statement concluded.
How are you supposed to respect a shithole?
Sorry, Jack, but your country is literally a hole filled with shit.
How can you look at those pictures and say “oh no, it’s not a shithole.”
What do you say after that?
What word would you use to describe this country other than “shithole”?