Shitlibs Devouring Themselves Over Tranny Insanity

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2017

Embrace your new tranny overlords – or else.

The speed at which the establishment started normalizing sick tranny insanity is causing a significant amount of tension in liberal circles. In two years, tranny activism has gone from from being confined to the dark depths of Tumlr to being a mainstream issue, on which no dissent is tolerated.

This might be the one thing that definitely moves the liberal “mainstream” into total “clown world” territory from the perspective of normal people, and yet these people are incapable of walking it back.

Any liberal having anything but unequivocal praise for the “courage” of men who chop their own dicks will be the recipients of a torrent of abuse.


Jesse Singal, a New York Magazine contributor, has signed off Twitter for what may be the last time. Opting to delete his account instead of facing the music, Singal made his exit following harassment allegations.

Over the past two years, Singal has been writing critically about transgender issues for NYMag, earning him accusations of transphobia from certain quarters. Amid accusations of bigotry towards transgender people, allegations have surfaced that Singal’s inquiries into the topic went far beyond simple research, and in some cases bordered on harassment.

Jesse Singal is also an oppressed minority. Is it okay to bully him like this?

So I guess pretending to be a woman is now placed higher on the “progressive stack” than being a third world primitive? Things move so fast these days.

I don’t think these brown people will continue to ally themselves with liberals if the condition is to submit to these trannies, though. And make no mistake, that is now an implicit condition to being a part of the liberal “in-crowd;” if you don’t worship these freaks like gods among men, you will be cast out.

To delve into Jesse Singal’s involvement in the topic of transgenderism is akin to watching an immersive television drama, replete with a rich cast of characters.

Singal’s criticism of transgenderism from a liberal point of view came to a head this weekend when he got into an argument over whether it was offensive to claim that “gender identity” had nothing to do with biology. Singal opted to cite Tim Faust, a socialist metalhead who is himself an interesting character, made popular by his appearances on the leftist Chapo Trap House podcast.

In a deleted tweet, Singal wrote: “I’m curious to get Tim’s take. I think he agrees with me on this but he can’t say so on Twitter.”

Faust reprimanded the writer and accused him of hurting the very people he claims to defend.


“What the fuck is your problem you weird gender-obsessed pervert,” Faust continued, adding that “Jesse Singal is the human personification of ‘I have more of a comment than a question.’”

The tweets provoked a firestorm of outrage against Singal, whom many on the left saw as finally being put in his place. Faust’s tweets kicked off a flood of allegations that Singal had previously harassed women—particularly transgender women, both publicly and privately.

If I was forced to give kikes and liberals advice at gunpoint, I’d tell them to drop this tranny nonsense like it was a piece of hot coal. It’s even more offensive to normal people than homos, who have been successfully whitewashed by the media as being “just like us” except that they “different sexual preferences.” But they can’t whitewash trannies in the same way, try as they might.

Ain’t no one sane who’s gonna be alright with this.

The fact is that these people are intensely creepy and disgusting – way more than any other kind of pervert. By associating their whole ideology and social movement with this feeling of being creeped as all hell, they’re permanently damaging their own brands. In fact, if I was a Nazi troll, I’d be doing everything I can to associate liberalism and Jews with trannies.

So keep going, liberals. You have my full support.