Shitlord Louisiana Sheriff Called Justice Department Lawyer a “Sorry Son-of-a-Bitch Jew Bastard”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2016


Here’s another guy we need in the Trump administration.


A Louisiana sheriff called a Justice Department lawyer a “sorry son-of-a-bitch Jew bastard in Washington” in secretly recorded conversations, the Law Newz web site reports.

Sheriff Louis Ackal of Iberia Parish was indicted on civil rights charges for ordering beatings of jail inmates and lashed out in anger at prosecutors who also sought to extract further information from him about the case.

A transcript of a recorded conversation filed in court showed Ackal calling a federal prosecutor “this sorry son-of-a-bitch Jew bastard in Washington.”

Ackal also reportedly said in reference to a discussion he had with prosecutors, “I said the only think I’m gonna give you – f***g shoot you r right between your g****d Jewish-eyes.”

Prosecutors are looking to use these comments as grounds for tougher restrictions on Ackal ahead of his trial. Ackal is not in jail, and the only condition of his release at the moment is that he not possess a firearm.

The case against Ackal stems from the alleged beatings of inmates who were detained while awaiting trials. He is accused of ordering officers to perpetrate these attacks in the jail’s chapels where no security cameras were in place.

Ackal has been charged with two counts of conspiracy against rights and two counts of deprivation of rights under “color of law,” and faces a maximum prison term of 10 years for each count.

CNN reported in March that officers with Ackal’s department had been charged with choking an inmate with a baton during a simulated sex act and intimidating another prisoner with a police dog.

I haven’t looked at any of this in detail, but I’m just going to assume that all of the charges have been trumped-up by dirty lying kikes.