Shitlord Steve King Says Negroid Football America-Hater Supporting ISIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2016

Steve King could become a truly great American hero if he would just stop talking about Israel.

Pretty much everything else he says is great.

USA Today:

No stranger to controversial comments, Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King spoke out against protests by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, going as far as to say Kaepernick’s silent protests are “activism that’s sympathetic to ISIS.”

“When he steps out on the stage, the world stage, he’s taking advantage of that and he’s undermining patriotism,” King said during an interview on NewsmaxTV.

“I understand that he has an Islamic girlfriend that is his fiancée and that this has changed him and has taken on some different political views along the way,”

After alluding to Kaepernick’s girlfriend Nessa Diab, the seven-term congressman said “this is activism that’s sympathetic to ISIS.”

Here’s his GF, Nessa Diab, also known as “Camelface McJoybags.”


Don’t be fooled: “Dem titties,” as the colored gentlemen say, are actually bombs strapped to her chest.

Never forget that King also declared the supremacy of the White race on MSNBC during the RNC.