Shock: 78% of Swedish Child Migrants are Adults

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2018

I often sarcastically say “no one could have predicted this” about something that happened that was really obvious but that no one did anything to prevent because they were motivated by extreme leftist-Jewish ideology instead of reality.

But in this case, I am genuinely shocked.

Who could have possibly imagined that Islamic jihadi gang-rapists would exploit a program for war refugees?

I don’t blame the Swedes for being naive.

No one could have predicted this.


A proposal to allow some 9,000 young Afghan migrants to stay in Sweden has been controversial among voters, as a new report shows that at least 78 per cent are really adults.

Last month, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and his government announced a plan to allow some 9,000 “underage” Afghan migrants to stay in the country after a wave of protest against deportations to Afghanistan.

The issue has remained a highly controversial topic ahead of this year’s national election, but now it has been revealed that the vast majority of the migrants were not underage Expressen reports.

The newspaper conducted a study with a portion of the 9,000 migrants and found that none of the men had valid identification documents when they entered Sweden and that a significant number, almost half, had lived in Iran for at least a year before heading to the Scandinavian country.

Additionally, 99.4 per cent of them are male.


The revelation follows medical tests done by the Swedish government that have repeatedly shown that a majority of migrants claiming to be underage were adults.

Almost 100% male, wow.

All young, strong, marching into a foreign country and putting on an extremely hostile front while committing acts of violence, with a focus on gang-rape…

It’s almost like some kind of a military force…

Like maybe some type of an invasion.

But I mean – Muslims?

Invading Europe? 

Get the fuck out of here.

That’s simply absurd.

Islam is, as everyone knows, a religion of big trucks.