Shock as Virulent Nazis Protest State Farm Interracial Sex Ad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2016

These days, you can’t even promote interracial sex on Twitter without a bunch of virulent Nazis protesting your company!

These evil race-haters say that they don’t want their blonde girls sold off to Mandingo monkeys by Jew-run insurance companies and advertisers.

But what they really want is to hurt people’s feelings for no reason.

Daily Mail:

A State Farm commercial showing a black man proposing to a white woman has been targeted by racists.

The insurance giant tweeted out the seemingly innocuous advertisement on Wednesday, showing the young couple getting engaged.

‘Who said yes? Cheers to the newly engaged this holiday season! Be sure to #ProtectTheBling!’ a caption with the picture read.

It also linked information on its ‘personal article policy’.

However, just moments after it was posted, bigoted users began replying to the tweets with a bevy of offensive comments.

‘Seriously, it’s getting ridiculous Trump’s America, now. We gotta be FIRM on this,’ Brenda Gale tweeted.

‘Been a State Farm customer for 20 years. Will be taking business elsewhere next week,’ another person said.

‘This is f**king disgusting. Why do ad execs think race mixing sells product?’ one user wrote.

Daily Mail found the juiciest hate bits of virulence.

The worst part of all is that virulent lizard at Geico is inviting racists to come to their company.

State Farm has previously upset the virulent ones with ads depicting whites as creepy weirdo perverts and blacks as intelligent and suave geniuses.

The sooner white men are exterminated, the sooner these problems will be over and genius blacks and Moslems working in harmony with liberated blonde women will be able to build cities in space.