Shocking Debasement of Liberty in France

Islam Versus Europe
January 13, 2014

Soon to be a mosque.
Soon to be a mosque.

Reading the French press about the “Affaire Dieudonné”, it is shocking to see how prevalent anti-free speech attitudes now are in France among the elite classes. Perhaps almost as shocking as the demands to suppress freed speech is the fact the people making them almost always accompany them with fervent expressions of support for free speech. It seems the human mind is capable of almost limitless self-deception. We see this continually with Jews, even in the comments on this website, who proclaim their support for free speech “but Holocaust denial isn’t free speech” or “except Hate Speech”. I remember a few years ago I was watching something about the German government. There was this minister in the government, a Green, I think. She must have been in her 60s. She had purple hair. She obviously still considered herself a crazy rebel fighting against the system, just like in ’68. Yet the government of which she was a part was sending people to prison for expressing unapproved opinions, depriving them of their livelihood, trying to shut down opposition political parties. It is amazing that people can support these kinds of initiative yet still consider themselves anti-totalitarian freedom fighters.

Just to clarify what has been happening, to those who haven’t been paying that much attention. The French Conseil d’Etat agreed to ban Dieudonné’s performance in Nantes a priori.

The claims that the criminally liable remarks whose natures calls national cohesion into question heard during performances of the show Le Mur [The Wall] in Paris will not be repeated in Nantes are not sufficient to rule out the serious risk that there will be new infringements of the respect for the values and principles, particularly the dignity of the human person, consecrated by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens and by Republican tradition.


This concept of an a priori ban on something, or prior restraint, is unknown in French law, which is instead based on the model of retrospective prosecution of “crimes” once they have occurred. They are now just making it up as they go along, inventing completely new principles to support their diversity mania, banning the performance of a show because of the mere possibility that some “objectionable” remark will be made during it. Shocking.

It’s a good illustration of the general principle of the corrosive effect on liberty that diversity has. When different peoples live in the same land, their genetically-conditioned lack of empathy with one another, will cause them to act in ways that members of other ethnic factions find injurious or offensive. The other factions will react to the injury, sometimes violently. These reactions will cause the government, in the interests of preserving public order, to gradually infringe liberty more and more. Only a cast-iron constitutional commitment, like the American first amendment, can stand as a bulwark against these tendencies. And even that I would expect to be subject to continuous and growing pressure.

We Europeans are having our lands colonised by alien peoples. And as these aliens – Jews, Arabs, Africans – pursue their absurd quarrels with one another, it is our freedom that is being chipped away.