Shocking: Nig Nog Who Dindu Nuffin Gets His Ass Kicked by the Police

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2017

Is that before or after he got beat up? I can’t tell.

It’s been a while since we had some good Jew-run nigger riots. It seemed like Soros and company decided to lay low on the agitation of their colored golem after Trump was elected, fearing the response might be a lot more “muscular” than they’ve come to expect from the ZOG government.

However, this time, the outrage appears to be organic in nature, with the event going viral on Facebook instead of being artificially pushed by the media. So we might be looking at an episode of Black anger that isn’t actually planned by Jews and the media, and which could actually be inconvenient to them.

Unfortunately, it’s winter. Terrible timing for a chimpout. Blacks are not known to burn a bitch down unless the temperature is over 75 degrees, mimicking their natural jungle habitat. Unfortunate that this opportunity arose while the negroes are still in their hibernation period…

Experts believe they only leave their den to acquire necessities, such as 40’s, weed and KFC. And they sure don’t like it.

Daily Mail:

The mother of a 17-year-old teenager is demanding answers from Alabama police who allegedly beat her son to an unrecognizable pulp when he ran from officers during a random stop.

Running away from cops?

What could possibly go wrong?

Hey, it could have turned into a hilarious slapstick comedy. In theory.

Angela Williams shared horrific photos of her son, Ulysses Wilkerson, whose face was left swollen and bloodied after an encounter with Troy police Saturday night.

He should thank these cops. I think he looks significantly better now than he did before.

‘Troy police officers did this to my son While he was in handcuffs,’ Williams wrote in a now-viral Facebook post.

That’s obviously not true. They beat him up in order to put him in handcuffs. But Blacks don’t have any conception of time and causality, so when the mother saw her son in handcuffs, she couldn’t imagine any other scenario than the police cuffing him and then beating him up.

Williams said that her son has a fracture and was transported to UAB Hospital in Birmingham for surgery, but he was released because of the extensive swelling.

The incident unfolded Saturday night when officers saw Ulysses walking behind a closed business in downtown Troy, according to BuzzFeed.

Officers then exited their vehicle and approached Ulysses, who fled on foot. Authorities chased the teen down and a struggle ensued.

The Alabama State Bureau of Investigation is now investigating the incident.

So, the police saw some suspicious guy doing something behind a closed business. They walked to him to ask him what he was doing. Instead of talking to them, he fled, and then resisted arrest, so they had to restrain him violently in order to arrest him.

So either this nig nog was up to no good, dealing drugs or whatever, or he was just astoundingly stupid. One way or another, there’s nothing to this story – except the organic viral spread of the story. Almost 80 thousand people have shared the original Facebook post as of the time of writing, showing that anything could trigger Black outrage right now.

The mother of all bitches could be about to be burned down.

I have a feeling the summer of 2018 is going to be very interesting.