Shot Down Indian Pilot Captured and Beaten by Paki Jihadis

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2018

You’re not supposed to do this.


Video posted by SAMAA TV purportedly captures moment one of two Indian MiG-21 planes shot down by Pakistan over Kashmir on Wednesday burst into a fireball, and shows onlookers gathered around the burning wreckage.

A plane can be seen tracing across the sky in the first of the videos, as a bang sounds, and next the jet descends in a sharp downward trajectory, engulfed by fire. The second video shows a rural scene, with villagers surrounding a devastated carcasss.

This is illegal and highly irregular. Clearly, this is a uniformed soldier, that means he is extended the rights of all soldiers according to The Genev- ah, fuck it. 

Nobody – not even White nations – pays attention to those old conventions and accords and agreements that were signed in better, more civilized times.

The footage reminds me of that scene in the Hollywood propaganda movie about the Yugoslav wars.

Two nuclear-armed powers who hate each other’s guts about to showdown.

Ostensibly, this whole tiff is over East Kashmir.

But it’s really part of a never-ending military stand-off between Pakistan and India. Which has more or less been going on ever since Islam showed up in the region.

People are confused about what side Uncle Sam is on all this. There are arguments that go both ways, but the short answer is Pakistan. The US supports Pakistan in this tiff.

Usually, I’d be rooting for a Happening, but I’ve learned the hard way that any conflict in the Brown World will just mean HUGE refugee flows to the West. Pakis and Indians will absolutely flood the United States and the UK and carry on their ethnic feuding within formerly White neighborhoods.

I’d say that we need to stay out of the conflict, but it’s pointless. The refugees will come whether we get involved militarily or not.

So at the very least, let’s hope that we get some epic nuke drops.

Pakistan is a Jihadi state barely kept in check by a semi-secular army.

And they have a military disadvantage to India.

So if worse comes to worst, they’d fire off those bad boys on the infidels!