William Martel
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2015

Taking a break from raping and pillaging, the newest hip thing the Dindus are into is protesting statues and school names so that they can feel like they are changing the world into a better place. However, we all know that no amount of statue take-downs or school name-changes are going to help change the Dindu Tribe’s genetic behavior, which will forever hold them down no matter what they do, causing them to be unable to live among us peacefully.
We here at the Daily Stormer predicted that our Founding Fathers would be the next target after Southern Civil War heroes – and we were right.
An article recently posted by The Missourian reports that students at Missouri University have been trying to shut down a statue of Thomas Jefferson:
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “All men are created equal.” On Wednesday, the words were plastered to his forehead.
Throughout the day, students covered the Jefferson statue on the east side of the Francis Quadrangle with sticky notes displaying messages such as, “racist,” “rapist,” “slave owner” and “misogynist.” Someone added a drawing of a mustache and polka-dot bow tie.
Although Thomas Jefferson and other Foundering Fathers did own slaves, so did Native Americans and Blacks. In fact, one of the first American slave owners was named Anthony Johnson, a free Black man.
But Black lives don’t matter unless white people do something bad to them.
And by the way, who ended slavery in the West permanently, while it is still continues today in other parts of the world?
Oh yeah – the White Devil.
The whole purpose of this Social Justice Whiner movement is to cry 6 trillion tears about slavery and other shoahs to try and convince people to destroy our society and literally erase its history. This recent attack on Jefferson is no different than the attack on the Confederate Flag, another symbol which is part of American history.
How far do you think these people will go to erase our history?

Don’t think for a second that the Dindu Tribe wouldn’t want to blow up Mount Rushmore and turn it Dindu Mountain.
In a campus plagued with questions regarding sexual assault and racism, some students have challenged the statue’s place on campus. In August, graduate student Maxwell Little started a petition on Change.org to remove the Jefferson statue.
The bronze statue was a gift from the trustees of the Jefferson Club and was installed in 2000 on MU’s Campus to honor the history of the university, according to the Jefferson Club’s website. MU was the first public university established within the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, which Jefferson lobbied to buy during his presidency.
But Little said he felt it was necessary to show “the other side of Thomas Jefferson” — not only the man depicted in mainstream history textbooks. Little said Jefferson was also a slave owner and rapist of a 16-year-old slave named Sally Hemings. Historians still dispute whether or not Jefferson fathered any of Hemings’ children, according to Monticello.org.
So who was Sally Hemigs?
Sarah “Sally” Hemings (c. 1773 – 1835) was an enslaved woman of mixed race owned by President Thomas Jefferson and reputed to have had a long-term relationship and six children with him, of whom four survived and all gained freedom. While it is unknown whether she consented to this relationship, as a slave, Hemings would have had no rights to refuse sex with her owner. The youngest of six siblings by the planter John Wayles and his mixed race slave Betty Hemings, Hemings was three-quarters European and a half-sister of Jefferson’s wife, Martha Wayles Skelton.
In 1787, Hemings, at the age of 14, accompanied Jefferson’s youngest daughter Mary (Polly) to London and then to Paris, where the widowed Jefferson, 44 years old at the time, was serving as the United States Minister to France. Hemings spent two years there. It is believed by most historians that Jefferson began having sex with Hemings either in France or soon after their return to Monticello. Hemings had six children of record born into slavery; four survived to adulthood. Hemings was a domestic servant in Jefferson’s house until his death.
The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Hemings’ children is known as the Jefferson–Hemings controversy. Following renewed historic analysis in the late 20th century and a 1998 DNA study that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings’ last son, Eston Hemings, there is consensus among historians that the widower Jefferson fathered her son Eston Hemings and probably all her children. However, some historians disagree.
So in other words, it is not an actual fact that Thomas Jefferson “raped” his 16 year-old hybrid slave or fathered any mixed children, but merely rumors and speculation. But yet, we have students who can be brainwashed to believe anything, while being taught to hate the very same people who built this once great nation that gave these unappreciative morons more freedoms than any other country on earth could ever offer them.
What’s even more hypocritical is that earlier this year, Graeme Phillip Harris, faced federal civil rights charges for putting a noose on a statue in protest of James Meredith, but Dindus defacing our historical monuments and putting stickies that say “rapist,” “misogynist,” “slave owner,” etc. on a statue of Thomas Jefferson is a love crime.

Initially, few cared about Lil Max’s feelings.
So he found some people smarter than him to work out a publicity stunt.
After months of the petition not getting the attention they wanted, Faloughi and Little teamed up with a group of students, including seniors Aliyah Sulaiman and Bryant Hill, to create #postyourstateofmind — a Twitter campaign dedicated “to engage people in a critical conversation” about sexual assault and racism.
“That was really the prime message behind it, was to engage,” Sulaiman said. “We wanted everyone to engage with us, and we wanted people to ask, ‘why are you doing this?’”
You’re doing this because you hate White people and the country they let you live in. If White Supremacists really ran this country, do you think they would let you continue to desecrate their monuments, rape their daughters and burn down entire cities?
Over the course of the day on Wednesday, students and faculty came out to see the statue, some in solidarity and others in protest. Multiple people tried to remove the sticky notes from the statue.
A sign of hope that people are getting tired of this nonsense.
The group was inspired by other universities, like the University of Texas, where a statue of Jefferson Davis, the leader of the Confederacy, was removed in August, and the University of Cape Town in South Africa, where a statue of colonialist Cecil Rhodes was removed in April.
You give these Dindus an inch, they will want to shut down your whole country.
The Jews, who have been behind the destruction of our nation, race and culture, by using the Dindu Tribe as their proxy army, are trying to rewrite our history by demonizing our heroes and making them “unpersons,” just like they did in the USSR.

This will never stop; they will go as far as we will let them.
The group wants to see Jefferson’s marble tombstone near the statue removed as well.
Can’t a nigga even rest is peace?
Another Social Justice Whiner gives her side to the Missourian by bitching about how an inanimate object triggers students’ feelings nonstop.
“Every day that is sits on campus, students are affected,” Faloughi said. “It’s a symbol of violence to many students. We talk about wanting to fix the culture of sexual violence and racism on campus, but that sits here. What really are the values of the University of Missouri?”
How about instead of trying to shut everything down, why not remove yourself from our country, and go to Africa, where none of these inanimate statues can do racism to you?
We must stand up against these people who wish to destroy our history and replace it with their baseless Black Jesus and Black Pyramid Kings myths. We must take the fight to our campuses and stop these Social Justice Whiners from desecrating, destroying and demonizing our heroes.
Hail Victory.