Shut Down 2016: The Right Stuff Kiked by the Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2016

A site which I like and am friendly with, The Right Stuff, has been kiked by the Jews as the Great Shut Down of 2016 continues.

I don’t have any insides details at present, but their entire bitch got burned down. The main site is now up, but the forum is still in the gas chamber.

TRS moderator Hateful Heretic did a series of Tweets, explaining some of what happened.

The nutty bitch in question is Kristen Howerton (@kristenhowerton). Not sure how this drama got started, but you can see the drama there on her twitter.

She has adopted negroid children, older than he blond natural daughters, and seems to genuinely not care about the dangers her blond daughters face from these aliens. She’s mad people concerned about the safety of her daughters questioned her on insane behavior.

Any of yall wanna raid her twitter, I don’t care. She’s not gonna get DS shut down.

Don’t dox her in the comments though. This is a problematic activity.

But go say hi to her on Twitter.

Anyway, TRS refugees are welcome on our boards until yours get back up.

Daily Stormer always accepts White refugees.

The year of the shutdown continues…

But we shall abide.

Always, we shall abide.

Our hearts are with TRS in this time of trouble.

Me and some of the guys even set up this memorial to the TRS forums in the middle of my street.


Hail Victory.