Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2014

The devious Jew entity has acted illegally and shut down Kentucky Senate candidate Robert Ransdell’s radio slots.
Fearing the rising sentiment against them, which has in recent days been embodied by the campaign slogan of Randsdell, “With Jews, We Lose,” the parasite is taking all measures in its power to stop Ransdell from alerting more people of the problems we face.
Robert had paid for seven Sunday slots on 55KRC, a Cincinnati talk radio station, and just before they were scheduled to begin, the station contacted him and informed him it had been shut down.

Under US Federal law, any candidate running for Federal office is allowed to purchase a certain amount of airtime on the radio. Robert did this, following all proper procedure, and the Jewish elements within the radio system have used their Jewy legal techniques to claim that he cannot appear. Under some sort of tricky loophole, they are claiming that he is not a “bona fide” candidate, and thus is ineligible!
In fact, Robert, who has gone through all of the established channels to register to run for office, has gotten more publicity than any third-party candidate in any state in a very long time. They do not block the Jewed-out Libertarian candidates from using the allotted radio time, even though only six or seven people in the entire country vote for Libertarian candidates and they get virtually no press coverage at all, let alone an international media storm. This proves that this is not about whatever legal nonsense they have thought up, but about their own Jewish fear that Robert will wake up more people to the truth of the Jewish problem.

Sunday’s show did not air, but Robert is pushing forward, attempting to fight back against these rats.
Though it will be a shame if Robert is unable to do these shows, it is only a minor dent in the freedom train he has started rolling.
Support Robert!
Robert is putting himself out there, putting his life on the line, and needs our support. He is a modest man – perhaps even a bit shy – but he is as good of a cause as exists in America right now.
He doesn’t have a PayPal, but you can send donations to his P.O. Box:
Ransdell for US Senate
PO Box 6083
Florence, KY 41022
You can also support Robert by spreading the word about his campaign across the internet – though the Jews are already doing that for us, commenting in support of his agenda on mainstream sites and posting pro-Ransdell material on social media and forums is a great way to further push the people into our radical right-wing camp.