Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2015

The pro-White billboard placed in Alabama along I-59 reading “Diversity Means Chasing Down the Last White Person,” which we reported on earlier this week, has been taken down in response to complaints and alleged threats.
The Mayor of Springville, William Isley, announced Tuesday that both the land owners and billboard company had made the decision to silence the speech of the pro-White activists who had paid to have the board posted.
It was rolled up on Wednesday, revealing an “available” sign.
The owners of the billboard company, Dyar Outdoors, say they are glad the sign is now down. They apologized to the community that the sign went up at all and they say they have learned through this entire ordeal.
“We in no way had any input into the wording of the sign and do not support it,” Dyar Outdoors co-owner Shannon Dyar said.
Shannon Dyar says that is part of the reason he and his brother, who own Dyar Outdoors, decided to take the sign down Wednesday. It had gone up five days before.
Dyar says he knew the sign dealt with diversity but did not know exactly what it said until a subcontractor hung it.
It was hard for those driving along I -59 near Springville to miss, and it wasn’t long before they began voicing their dislike of it.
Dean Goforth leases the land to the Dyars. Once the community began speaking out, the two parties got together and decided it was best to remove thee sign.
“Friday evening, we started getting phone calls asking if we knew what went up,” Goforth said.
So on Wednesday morning, the Dyar brothers went up and within minutes, the billboard came down. But not before Dyar says he was bombarded with so many threats, he’s had to turn his business phone off.
“I’m not a racist. I’m just a business man and this is probably not the best decision we ever made, but we rectified it and hope everybody’s happy,” Dyar said.
As is usually the case with these “threats” we hear so much about, none of them were documented or described in any detail.
The good news is, there was mass publicity around the board, and then the activists were given all of their money back.
The #PantsUpDontLoot billboard we helped crowd-fund never even got to go up, what with the protests of the haters (everyone was given their money back in that case as well, mind you).
It is almost better to have a public silencing, as it makes people question why it is that in an allegedly free country, the majority is literally being stripped of its right to hold an opinion which disagrees with an elite and hostile minority.