Sick Bitch Clinton Planning to Put Us in a Deplorable Basket!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 10, 2016

A lot of people been asking me lately like, “yo, Andre – you think if this seizure bitch gets elected, she’s gonna send Jewish death squads to murder Trump loyalists?”

And I’m always just like “yeah, I dunno – probably.”

But now she’s almost ready to come out with it publicly – before she’s even elected!

She wants to put us in “deplorable basket”!

What is a “deplorable basket”???

Is this a euphemism for a mass grave???

Fox News:

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton caused an uproar late Friday after telling a fundraiser audience that half of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supporters could be described as part of a “basket of deplorables.”

The former secretary of state, who described her own remarks as “grossly generalistic”, said Trump had bolstered people who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” She did add that Trump’s other supporters are frustrated by hard times and merit sympathy.

“They are just desparate for change,” Clinton said. “They don’t buy everything [Trump] says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different.

Clinton was speaking at an LGBT fundraiser in New York City, where she encouraged supporters to “stage an intervention” if they have friends considering voting for the Republican nominee.

Someone should have staged an intervention for your mother when she decided not to have an abortion!

You stupid old bitch!

Come try to put me in a basket!

But listen up, cuz ima tell it to you:

You’d best bring your whole crew!

hillary seizure

tfw the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic Islamophobe won’t get in the basket

“That may be one conversion therapy I’d endorse,” said Clinton, referring to a type of counseling designed to urge gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender children to change their sexual orientation. The Democratic nominee later clarified that she wants to end the practice.

What an inappropriate and weird joke!

Hillary is like an insectiod alien in a saggy flesh suit – all her attempts at appearing human serve to prove the opposite!

Singer Barbra Streisand, who performed at the fundraiser, altered the lyrics of the Stephen Sondheim song “Send In The Clowns” to mock Trump, referring to the real estate mogul as a “sad, vulgar clown.”

Barbra Streisand, you are a sad, vulgar kike!


Get more plastic surgery – your head already looks like a pecker with a too small condom on it, you might as well push it to the max!

Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill defended the candidate in tweets of his own.“Obviously not everyone supporting Trump is part of the alt-right, but alt-right leaders are with Trump,” Merrill added. “And their supporters appear to make up half his crowd when you observe the tone of his events.

…On Friday, Clinton said she was “disappointed” by Trump’s decision to appear on RT America, saying that “every day that goes by this just becomes more and more of a reality television show. It’s not a serious presidential campaign.”

You’re the reality show – “The World’s Most Dangerous Granny Finally Gets Cancer!”

This is sick and weird!

I ain’t goin in no basket, bitch!

Btw, here’s that RT Larry King interview.