Sick Black Faggot Caught Molesting Small Children

Daily Stormer
May 15, 2017

Around Blacks, never relax.

Who the hell lets their kids alone with some weird Negro?

The parents should have been prosecuted for criminal neglect – though I guess that would have been racist.

This being in New Orlean, the victims are probably little monkeys themselves, but then again, if they weren’t, the media wouldn’t be reporting it anyway.

The Times Picayune:

A Central City man known to some as “Paw Paw” was indicted by an Orleans Parish grand jury Thursday (May 11) on two counts of first-degree rape involving young boys.

Wallace J. Burton, 63, was charged with the rapes of two brothers aged 9 and 7 in the two-count indictment. Both rapes are alleged to have occurred inside the locked bathroom of a house in New Orleans East that Burton had been given permission to visit on Sept. 2, 2016.

Records show Burton already was a registered sex offender in Louisiana, following an October 1994 conviction for child molestation in Orleans Parish. The indictment says Burton is also known by the alias “Paw Paw.”

According to arrest documents sworn by New Orleans police sex crimes detective Christopher Laborde, the boys’ mother reported the sexual assaults to authorities after taking her sons to Children’s Hospital of New Orleans to be examined the following day. An arrest warrant affidavit said Burton took the boys into the bathroom after their mother had fallen asleep.

After being caught with them, Burton explained he had been teaching them to shave. The report said the boys’ mother observed no shaving tools but did see one of her son’s pants unzipped. The boys initially denied that anything unusual had happened, the report said, but later told their mother that Burton had said “they would get in trouble if they had told.”