Sick: Black-Skinned Niggerist Kills White Ex-Wife’s Box Terrier “Boogie”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2017

He also killed the bitch as well, but that’s a positive, uplifting event.

Nothing better than a dead nigger-fucking whore. Plus I think she’s Jewish anyway lol.

I just can’t grasp why he would kill the dog?

I guess he’s just what is known as a “nasty nigger.”

Fox News:

Searchers recovered the bodies of a missing Army veteran and her dog in the southern California desert Friday, the woman’s brother told a local news station.

Fox 5 San Diego reported that the remains of Julia Jacobson and her box terrier, Boogie, were found in rural Riverside County. Ontario, Calif. police said a cadaver dog helped discover the shallow grave containing the bodies just south of Interstate 10.

Julia Jacobson and Boogie had not been seen since Sept. 2. Her SUV was found near her San Diego home with her keys in the ignition less than a week later. Detectives said forensic analysis of the car led police to conclude that she had been murdered.

Jacobson’s ex-husband, Dalen Ware, was arrested at his home in Phoenix on Oct. 13 and faces a murder charge. Ware’s attorney told The San Diego Union-Tribune in an email that he showed investigators “the place he had buried” Jacobson without the promise of a plea bargain.

Rest in Peace, Boogie.

You deserved better than this stupid bitch who got you killed by her nigger playtoy.

The sickening Jew media is of course acting like killing he woman was bad and not even mentioning the dog very much.