Daily Stormer
July 1, 2014
There is nothing which could possibly prepare you for what you are about to see.
A Jew religious entertainment group called “Oorah” has created a children’s entertainment program to encourage Jew children to get excited about Jew religious things. In what appears to be almost a purposeful mockery of themselves, the thing that excites the children most is not a cute fluffy animal, as is generally used to excite gentile children, but a dancing five dollar bill named “Fiveish.”

The program, comparable to Sesame Street or Barney, mainly features Jews dancing and singing songs with a cartoon representation of Mammon who teaches them, through fun, to love Jewish heritage.
The show is sick and surreal.
Here is a video encouraging the Jewlets to get happy about the religious rest day of Shabbos (Saturday).
In case you are for some sick reason interested, the entire Shabbos episode is here.
Here is a clip of Fiveish trying to get through airport security. Apparently, Orthodox Jews get hassled quite a bit at the airport, as retard TSA workers can’t tell the difference between them and Muslims.
Finally, here is a weird video of the Jew mascot being attacked by religious Jews in Jewistan.
Once again we see through the Jew’s own mind a direct look into his racial soul. He is a purely material being, without the normal human spectrum of emotions. Even as a child, the thing that interests him is not cute animals, but dancing dollar bills.
If one thinks about it for a bit, there truly is a profound statement being made by Fiver, which not only tells us about the Jew, but about ourselves as well.