Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2015

The Jew-run government of America is now claiming that right-wingers are possibly a bigger threat than Moslem terrorists.
They’re carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened attacks on government buildings and reject government authority.
A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists and comes as the Obama administration holds a White House conference to focus efforts to fight violent extremism.
Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to — and in some cases greater than — the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.
The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.
The government says these are extremists who believe that they can ignore laws and that their individual rights are under attack in routine daily instances such as a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order.
They’ve lashed out against authority in incidents such as one in 2012, in which a father and son were accused of engaging in a shootout with police in Louisiana, in a confrontation that began with an officer pulling them over for a traffic violation. Two officers were killed and several others wounded in the confrontation. The men were sovereign citizen extremists who claimed police had no authority over them.
Among the findings from the Homeland Security intelligence assessment: “(Sovereign citizen) violence during 2015 will occur most frequently during routine law enforcement encounters at a suspect’s home, during enforcement stops and at government offices.”
CNN then gives us this map of the horror:

The trouble here is the same as the trouble with equating the parking space killer to ISIS: there is no organized right-wing group which encourages violence, and thus even if it were some sort of serious threat to the stability of America in the way Islam so obviously is, there would be no possible way of dealing with it beyond the way in which it is already dealt with which is by making it illegal to commit murder.
I do think a lot of nutty people get involved with sovereign citizen type movements. So the connection is that nutty people are also likely to shoot at cops. This isn’t “radicalization,” it is just radically stupid behavior.
The example they cite of the 2012 incident, the cops just pulled this guy and his kid over in a routine traffic stop and the kid got out with an assault rifle and started blasting. This is just normal nutjobery. It is certainly not “terrorism,” and categorizing it with Islamic terrorism is sleazy and dishonest.
I mean, if there is some organization which says “if the police try to pull you over, kill them” I would go so far as to say that it should be shut down by the government and the people in charge of it arrested and charged with whatever it was they charged Charlie Manson with. Although some people will argue that Charlie got too much prison time, given that he never actually killed anyone, it is clear that if you manipulate people into killing people you are committing some type of serious crime.
Sovereign citizenism is a wacky cult that does claim that the government somehow doesn’t actually exist, but none of the leaders of it are calling for shooting police. Note that I don’t necessarily disagree with a lot of their points regarding the oppressive nature of the current taxation system and the way the government is continually encroaching further into our personal lives, but saying the solution is to not have a government is dumb.
Also note that not all militia groups identify this way, and I think in fact most don’t. The majority probably have views much closer to our own.
Though Alex Jones will of course paint this government report as some type of a conspiracy against the right-wing – and there may be some validity there, I can admit – it appears to be more about covering up for Moslems as part of a liberal agenda to normalize these violent savages.
Islam is an actual doctrine of world conquest through violent means. Anyone can read this in the Koran. So when you have someone professing Islam, you have a person who is professing a belief in the use of violence to overthrow governments and install their own systems. Obviously, not all of them are actively engaged in this behavior, but the reason for that is simply that they are less devout.
Islam could and should be targeted by the government as a violent and extremist ideology. But even that is stupid, because the only reason these people are in our country is because of immigration laws – there is no reason for them to be here at all, and if they weren’t here, you wouldn’t have to be dealing with this ridiculous nonsense.