Daily Stormer
August 1, 2014

Politico has published an op-ed by Jew journalist Ben Judah placing personal blame on Vladimir Putin for the MH17 crash and claiming that it signals and end of his regime. The article is literally titled “The End of Vladimir Putin.”
Note that there is no evidence, as of yet, that the Ukrainian liberation forces – let alone Vladimir Putin himself – shot down the plane. Yet these Jews are not interested in facts. They are interested in Jewing-over the one man who stands up for traditional European values.

Ben Judah is like Jamie Kirchick, a Jew journalist with a long-running obsession with Russia and Putin due to their rejection of the sick Jew value system of the Western world (Judah appears to be, like the Jew Kirchick, a faggot). He has written an entire book about how evil Putin is, claiming that Russia no longer likes him, even though he has one of the highest approval ratings of any leader in the world. He has even co-written articles with convicted criminal Russian Jew billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
You can see on his Twitter he is covering the Gaza genocide from a heavily pro-Jew angle, condemning the evil terrorist babies, along with his obsessive posting about how evil the patriarchy of Vladimir is.
We see that even though Putin is not perfect, and his shown a willingness to work with certain Jews on certain issues, the Jews hate him simply because of what he represents: authoritarian, non-liberal Old Europe.