Daily Stormer
June 18, 2014

Unsurprisingly, the rat Jewess Dianne Feinstein is demanding an invasion of Iraq to stop the brutal wrath of ISIS, who is presently in the process of taking down that country’s ZOG.
From the Hill:
“I think most important is that we take direct action now against ISIS [the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria], marching down to Baghdad, and prevent them from getting into Baghdad,” the Senate Intelligence chairwoman said.
Feinstein said she was “in communication” with the White House and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Asked if drone or air strikes could be an element of any action, she responded they “could be, absolutely.”
The lightning advance has caused alarm for the White House over the prospect of losing a country U.S. troops fought in for almost a decade and sparked fears of a sectarian civil war between Sunnis and the majority Shia government.
Feinstein said Maliki should go, saying he had failed to create a broad representative government that included the minority Sunni population.
“I think it’s most important that the Maliki government be replaced, and that includes Mr. Maliki, with a reconciliation government,” she said. “Based on all I’ve heard, read and know, Mr. Maliki is not able to bring about reconciliation in that country.
“So you need the political strategy, you need the military strategy — hopefully that’s going to be forthcoming,” said Feinstein.
lol @ “It’s all Maliki’s fault.”
You installed the man, Jew. Why did you choose someone so inept?
You know who would have been a good choice to run Iraq?
Saddam Hussein.
We can expect the Jews and their lackeys like to get even more aggressive in the near future. ISIS are not pushovers. They slaughter their enemies, brutally, and they are not afraid of anything.
How will Americans feel when the first American soldier is kidnapped and ritually crucified by these hellish men? Will brining the freedom to the sandpeople be worth the damage this will do to the soul of our nation?