Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 22, 2014

A sick, insane faggot who believes it is a woman and refers to itself by the name “Laurelai Bailey” is demanding that moot shut down /pol/ in order to soothe the feelings of mentally ill faggots everywhere.
Writing for pro-gender identity disorder site The Trans Advocate, Bailey says:
The 4chans sub board known as /pol/ (a well known ultra right reactionary sub board) has publicly and outright stated plans to drive transgender people (particularly trans women) to suicide and stated we should be “rounded up and slaughtered like cattle”.
They have also made indications they aim to align with trans exclusionary radical feminists.
I call upon all of you to send emails to 4chans owner and operator Christopher Poole (aka moot) to shut down the sub board /pol/ and deny this hate group a platform.
It then attaches a form email and urges users to send it to moot.
What it fails to explain is why trannies should not kill themselves. Though I would never call for anyone to be rounded-up and slaughtered like cattle, if I was going to call for anyone to be rounded-up and slaughtered like cattle, I would call for transvestites to be rounded up and slaughtered like cattle.
I do, however, believe that they should kill themselves, and would endorse actively encouraging them to do so. For there is nothing sicker, and more dangerous to society, than a tranny faggot.
Though this particularly tranny faggot does not even resemble a woman in any way, many take injections and are then capable of confusing some men. They then serve as some manner of bridge between heterosexuality and homosexuality, attempting to suck straight men into their deranged anal cult.
/pol/ is a message board, and moot is not responsible for what people say on it. Legal rulings have already determined this. Besides, both telling people to kill themselves and calling for generalized genocides are legal under American law.
Regardless, I think /pol/ will eventually be shut down. It is already being moderated by obvious Jewish rats, and eventually it will not be worth the hassle for moot to deal with.
However, what happened on /pol/ will remain a part of history. It is the place we, the forgotten generation, grew up and stopped messing around with liberal nonsense and took on a hardcore racist, traditionalist stance.