Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2015

As a fantastically cordial and exquisitely handsome individual, it is rare that people do not like me. If someone doesn’t like me, however, there is a process I go through in response, particularity if circumstance dictates that I deal with them on a regular basis.
The very first thing is to ask myself “have I done something to offend this person?” If I cannot think of anything, I ask others if I have done something offensive. If there is no shared acquaintance, I will confront the person directly and ask if I have done something to offend them. If it turns out I have, I apologize for having offended them, and vow to make up for it.
If it seems that the issue is something other than offense behavior on my part, perhaps there is just a personality clash, perhaps they do not like the way I roll or they are just a hater, I will either figure out a way to interact with them in a way they are more comfortable with or I will do my best to avoid them.
I once lived in a hostel where a member of the staff, a girl, simply hated me for no clear reason I could ascertain. Perhaps I reminded her of an x-boyfriend she hated, or her father or something, I’m not sure. Anyway, as it was necessary to interact with her on multiple occasions every day, and these interactions were unbearable for the both of us, I decided to move. It was a hassle and a half, given the details of the situation, but it was very much for the best, and something that simply needed done.
The Jews, on the other hand, have a very different way of handling a situation where someone does not like them.

They completely skip the step where they ask if they have done something to offend the people who do not like them, as they have a psychological incapacity to formulate the thought that they may have done something wrong. They assume that the issue is with the other person. However, instead of attempting to avoid the people who don’t like them, they get in their face and begin making demands that the person start liking them immediately. If the person refuses, they then lobby governments to enact laws geared at trying to force people to like them.
If this doesn’t work, they hold conferences to formulate plans of action to force people to like them.
The UN General Assembly will hold an informal meeting on the growth of anti-Semitism on January 22 in response to a request from 37 countries including Israel, the United States and all members of the European Union.
The 37 countries, also including Canada and Australia, sent a letter to assembly President Sam Kutesa on October 1 — more than three months before last week’s attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris — calling for a meeting in response to “an alarming outbreak of anti-Semitism worldwide.”
This behavior pattern is completely insane on the face of it if looked at for what it is. However, in order to skew things, they distort the reasoning behind the dislike as some type of evil hatred which exists for no reason, and which will eventually lead to them being genocided.
They frame the fact that people don’t like them as a form of pathological criminality. What’s more, if anyone disagrees with this framing, they too are labelled criminally insane and threatened with various legal action.
The fact is, this entire concept of Antisemitism will remain completely invalid until we are able to ask the first question any person should ask when another person doesn’t like them: have the Jews done something to offend all of these people?

When that question is asked, the glaringly obvious answer is that yes, the Jews do little else than offend non-Jews. They offend Europeans and the diaspora by controlling their governments, media, banking and business and social institutions and using them for a Jewish agenda based on theft on a virtually incomprehensible scale and deviant, weird and destructive forms of social-engineering. They offend the Arabs by slaughtering them and stealing their land.
But this question will never be asked. Besides the fact that the Jews are incapable of admitting to wrong-doing on any level, even if they were cornered into admitting it or facing some consequence, they would be incapable of offering a genuine apology and altering their behavior. Thus, the only solution would be separation, and the Jew could not tolerate that. He requires us for sustenance, because he is a parasite.
Still, the strategy for dealing with these constant cries of Antisemitism needs to be to push the question “why do people dislike the Jews?” repeatedly, and to explain that until we understand that, we will not ever be able to solve the problem of Antisemitism.

Recently, the Jews have begun saying that people hate them because of their war against Gaza, but at the same time saying they did nothing wrong in Gaza, and people are just saying they did something wrong because they want to hate them for other reasons. These other reasons are never explained, so we return to the same question: why?
We are not expecting an answer. We are simply showing our brothers and sisters how ridiculous the Jewish scam of “Antisemitism is a mental disorder” really is.
So, use this meme whenever you see people talking about Antisemitism: ask why people hate the Jews. It will get the wheels turning in people’s brains, and for some, lead to enlightenment on the nature of these diabolical parasites.