Sickening Kike Amy Zimmerman From The Daily Beast Attacks Taylor Swift for Being “A Pretty White Girl”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2017

If not sure if you’re aware of this fact, but a Daily Beast Jew named Amy Zimmerman just published a 1500 word essay attacking Taylor Swift, basically for being everything that Jews hate – blonde, pretty, a healthy role model for young girls.

The context is that she didn’t go out and support the slut march with other celebrities. Can you imagine Taylor up there with Ashley Judd talking about her messy menstruations and Madonna talking about blowing up the White House?

Anyway, the lack of attendance at the pussy parade was just a prompt for an extremely long – it’s literally 1500 words – rant about how evil she is for being pretty, white and wholesome.

It is absolutely insane the way these Jews are obsessed with Tay-Tay. It just shows that they have a innate biological drive to destroy beauty and tear-down greatness.

I don’t really read the Daily Beast anymore, but the stupid bitch tagged me in it.

Daily Beast:

As a pretty white girl who has written songs that rely heavily on fiddles, Swift undoubtedly counts a healthy handful of Trump supports among her fan base. In fact, the so-called alt-right has crowned Swift as the Aryan prom queen of their burgeoning neo-Nazi movement. The Daily Stormer—deemed a “neo-Nazi website” by The Southern Poverty Law Center—has published articles like “Taylor Swift, Avatar of European Imperialism,” “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift: Nazi Avatar of the White European People,” and “Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift accused of Racism for Behaving Like an Ape in a Music Video.” Andrew Anglin, the site’s white supremacist founder, explained that, “Taylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry.” She was his queen, and God help anyone that dared to disrespect his queen.

Damn straight she’s my queen, you greasy kike whore.

And God help you for disrespecting her, because I’m about to send 6 million trolls to your twitter.


If an attack on Taylor doesn’t get your blood boiling hot enough to go send this slag a message, well, look who else she’s attacking.


She also attacked MEL GIBSON!

And in what context?

The context that his act of saying something mean about Jews was so unforgivable that even after a decade, he still shouldn’t be allowed to work.

And if an attack on both Taylor and Mel doesn’t have you fuming – then let’s kick it up to MAXIMUM RUSTLE.

Look at her face:

Looking at that mug, you imagine that “ratfaced Jew” should be a term used in human biology. Somehow, she manages to be uglier than that Negress.


How about a side-by-side comparison of these two specimen?

There you have it, folks.

