Sickening Kike Monster Adam Schiff Says He Might Impeach Trump Anyway

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2019

Jewish terrorists only have one speed on their terrorism machine: maximum overdrive.


Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Democrats “may” take up impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

Schiff said, “I think Elizabeth Warren makes an important point and that is the level of evidence in the Mueller report is serious and damning and under normal circumstance would by think without question within the realm of impeachable offenses.”

He continued, “We’re in an environment today where the GOP leadership people like Kevin McCarthy are willing to carry the president’s water no matter how corrupt or dishonest the president’s conduct may be. In those kinds of circumstances, when Mitch McConnell won’t stand up to the president either, that means impeachment will be unsuccessful.”

For those who don’t understand: they want to impeach him for allegedly maybe interfering somehow with the Mueller probe, even though the entire Mueller probe was itself a gigantic hoax.

It’s basically the same thing that they did to every other person they indicted: they accused them of lying about something they had no reason to lie about, because none of them actually did anything wrong, and then prosecuted them for the alleged lies.

It is simply insane to set up a hoax and then accuse innocent people that you’ve accused of crimes they didn’t commit of lying about crimes they didn’t commit.

Everyone now admits that no one committed any crimes. But Mueller says that people lied about crimes they didn’t commit. And Schiff says that Trump “obstructed” an investigation into crimes he didn’t commit by getting angry about the investigation.

This is the absolute purest form of “we’re gonna ride this until the wheels come off.”

But the wheels are already off, and somehow, these kikes are still riding on.

Kike Schiff and Smurf-eating kike Nadler are the main individuals refusing to acknowledge that the wheels have already come off.

They’d better hope no one notices that they’re both kikes.

Because if people start noticing that, they might end up with one of those issues like they’ve had in the past, where an entire country gets really mad at the Jews.

It doesn’t usually work out very well for them when that happens.