Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014

The sickening simian ruler of the United States not only mocks us with his official acts of terrorism, war, faggotry, robbery, and so on, but also uses his private life to mock and insult the people of this once great nation.
On Sunday, during one of his routine vacations in Hawaii, this stupid ape forced the cancellation of a human wedding, wherein both the bride and groom were US Army captains, so he could play golf near where they had scheduled it, the AP reports.

Edward Mallue Jr. and Natalie Heimel had known that the Top Kek-in-Chief would be on the island, and so invited him to join. His staff told them no, and then soon informed them that their wedding would be cancelled so that the African ruler could prance around like a faggot on the green grass.

How is it possible that people are still tolerating this? And how can he know that he is so widely hated, then have the nerve to, instead of being humble and trying to make amends, at least with PR, make a public display of humiliating military personnel trying to get married?
I mean. How offensive? What is next? Is he going to steal a puppy from a toddler?
Please, Obama. Just go back to Kenya, and leave us alone. Your mission is through. You’ve totally destroyed everything. Just let us die in peace, you sickening, nasty ape.