Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 11, 2014

This is absolutely sickening. This is where things end up once you separate sex from procreation and marriage and start promoting it as an end in itself.
It starts with soft pornography, rapidly progresses through acceptance of homosexuals to every perversion under the sun being legalized, because its a ‘human right’ to behave worse than animals.
The latest stage in this downward spiral is a dating website for pedophiles. encourages male and female paedophiles to get together and raise their own little victims to rape and abuse – sometimes from birth.They share their sick experiences and swap images of incest and child sex before arranging a ‘date’ with a view to a quick ‘marriage’ from hell.
We sent an undercover reporter into the site, as a 30-year-old single female – and soon she was talking to a civil servant from the West Midlands.
Over several weeks he boasted online to her of his perversions – including repeated claims of raping a 13-year-old family member and attacks on minors he worked with at a US holiday camp.
He told her he wanted a woman to start a family with and that he “wouldn’t wait much longer than four or five years” to begin abusing their children.
He said what he wanted out of the relationship was “sex with children, teaching them, having a family and doing the same and exploring that and taking the kids and teaching them about their bodies and what to do without fear and embarrassment and training them… it’s simple as that”.
And when our girl agreed to meet him in a London park, the full depths of his depravity emerged.
The history enthusiast spoke of child sex with relish.
He said: “You have to have it. And you won’t be happy until you do. It’s like catnip.”
He said he only stopped abusing his family member because she moved overseas, but claimed he still had “access” to young girls, including a 12-year old girl in London.
The fat grinning paedophile boasted of his grooming skills and said he and the underage family member “had a very enjoyable two or three years together and it was great fun.
“I taught her well. You encourage and support and show them they’re loved – and then you get what you want.”
He dismissed laws on incest and the legal age of consent as arbitrary rules imposed by the Government.
“The law is an ass. Today half the ancestors of the European monarchy would be classed as paedophiles,” he said.
“If you look at William the Conqueror’s wife, I think she got married at the age of 10.”
The man also bragged about his connections.
He said they included a woman whose 15-year-old daughter is being abused by her dad and a Swedish couple he claims regularly bring their children to London to “swap” with other paedophiles.
The pervert our reporter met is one of around 3,000 members on the Facebook-style site which has users from the USA, Britain and Europe.
It started in the USA but has recently seen a spike in British sign-ups with more than 100 joining the groups specifically for UK users.
On groups called UK Family Love and English Incest, men and women hint at their experiences of abusing children and their plans to do so in the future.
One user calling herself Katie, claims to be in her 20s and from Gloucester.
In the group called UK Family Love she wrote: “I joined F4L in the hope of meeting young guys that believe in family love as I do in the hope of meeting and hopefully starting a family together.”
Special language on the site tells other users when members are already having sexual relationships with other members – they are known as “active families” or “loving families”.
The site was investigated by the American Department for Homeland Security last year and a man was seized in a sting after allegedly trying to arrange an incestuous sexual tryst with what he believed to be a father and his two underage children.
A man was held following a series of explicit conversations on Family4Love about a planned sexual encounter with a 12-year-old boy, his 11-year-old sister and their father.
After his arrest the site closed briefly but was soon back online with a different host attracting more users.
Until three months ago only a handful were from Britain but the site’s popularity here is growing at a disturbing rate.