Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2014

Presently on, the people have put together a petition demanding that the wicked ape which rules over America do the obvious thing and ban all travel to and from Ebola-ridden Monkeyland.
The petition reads:
we petition the obama administration to:
Have the FAA ban all incoming and outgoing flights to ebola-stricken countries until the ebola outbreak is contained
The Ebola virus has reached unprecedented epidemic proportions in West Africa, and has been joined by another unrelated concurrent outbreak in the Congo. Experts had stated it was ‘highly unlikely’ that ebola would show up on American soil. But now it has, in the City of Dallas, Texas, brought here by an individual who entered our country from the West African nation of Liberia, where ebola is rampant. The citizens of the US are scared. We do not want any more ebola-infected individuals bringing the epidemic to our shores. The longer we allow people to enter our country from ebola-stricken areas, the higher the chance another person infected with ebola will arrive here, putting ALL of our citizens at risk. Please tell the FAA to ban ALL incoming flights from any/all ebola-stricken regions.
It is important that people sign this, and pass it around by any means necessary.
At time of writing it has 25,832 signatures, but needs 100,000 by the end of the month.
I of course understand that petitions are not likely to change the mind of the system, but what a large number of signatures will do is demonstrate to the people that the Negro President and the Jew CDC head are actively going against the will of the masses to purposefully destroy America with a deadly disease as part of a bizarre African/Jew racial agenda.
They will have to come up with yet another explanation for why in hell you would allow people carrying a deadly and viciously contagious disease to enter your country and infect you with it, and this explanation will be highly exploitable.

Our job is to make more people in America see what these subhumans are doing to us, and get them to begin to hate Blacks and Jews and take back our country from them. Ebola, if it doesn’t destroy us completely, is a perfect opportunity to further this agenda of ours.
The fact that Obama – along with the leaders of other Western countries – is refusing to quarantine this incurable and deadly virus – ostensibly to preserve the economies of a few countries with some of the worst economies in the world, and to avoid being called racist – is one of the most outrageous things which has ever happened in history, and this needs to be repeatedly pointed out. Unlimited juice can be squeezed from this blatant attempt by Jews and Blacks to kill everyone in America on purpose.
This entire situation is really the ultimate example of the multicultural invasion agenda. Every single non-White immigrant who comes to our country works to destroy it, and yet we are told we must allow them anyway. Now, we are literally all going to be killed by a deadly virus because of immigrants, and we are told we must allow them anyway.
Milk this, White Man. These people could be no more obvious than they are right now.