Silly Celebrity Slut Amanda Bynes in Psychiatric Ward After Accusing Her Father of Implanting Her with a Brain Chip

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2014

Amanda Bynes and her father the microchipper
Amanda Bynes and her father the microchipper.  What creepy, sick people.

As more proof that reality itself is dissolving due to a lack of effort put into maintaining it, the former child star and do-nothing slut Amanda Bynes has been admitted into involuntary psychiatric care after Tweeting that her father implanted a microchip into her brain.


The goofy weirdo has become a cultural icon mainly because she is a stupid, irresponsible bitch. She hasn’t done much acting since she was a child. It seems that we have a sadomasochistic culture that is obsessed with propping up unstable people and then watching them melt down.

She first accused her father of abusing her when she was young, then came out and said he didn’t and she only said that because of a brain chip, but then said it was his fault anyway because he is the one who implanted her with it.

The original accusations
The original accusations

Under California law, a person can be held in involuntary care for three days if they exhibit extreme psychosis. Obviously, she has done this.

Or maybe her father really did implant her with a brain chip. Who knows? I certainly do not. Seems rather unlikely though, especially coming from someone with such severe substance abuse problems.

Retracting the claims of abuse, Bynes wrote: “My dad never did any of those things. The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he’s the one that ordered them to microchip me.”

When not in a psyche ward, Amanda Bynes enjoys doing drugs, driving and having sex with apes.
When not in a psyche ward, Amanda Bynes enjoys doing drugs, driving and having sex with apes.

She has previously been in psychiatric care for starting fires, and last Sunday was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs in Los Angeles.

She is also on probation for strange drug-driving behavior, and once threw a bong out of a window.

She originally got famous at 13, starring in a Nickelodeon comedy show.

Jew Hollywood turns this...
Jew Hollywood turns this…
...Into this. Great job, America!
…Into this. Great job, America!

Clearly, the pressures of celebrity and all that goes with it cause people to break down psychologically. This situation shouldn’t surprise anyone. It is completely insane that we have a culture which celebrates such degeneracy though.

These people should all be put in concentration camps.

I would say that the Illuminati conspiracy MKULTRA crowd is going to go crazy with this, but I’m not even sure those people exist any more.  I guess Mark Dice still talks about it, but AJ abandoned it as soon as it got too stupid to turn a profit and I don’t see it in the tubes hardly at all now.  I think it got flushed in about 2010.  Which is a good thing.  Talk about a retard-level distraction, my lord, celebrity mind control was the worst thing ever.

Though apparently Bynes is watching some of these people’s videos on YouTube in order to come up with this psychotic delusion.  Probably was watching Freeman.  She may also be an actual crystal child though.  Maybe it’s all real, and I work for the government to try to blame everything on the sneaking Jews who control everything right in front of our faces.