Silly Mexicans Think They Want a War with the USA!

Daily Stormer
September 7, 2016


Did these ignorant beaners forget what happened last time?

The God Emperor’s triumphal visit to Mexico has really rustled the brown peoples’ jimmies. In fact, they are so rustled, some of their lawmakers are willing to commit national suicide over the whole thing!

Washington Post:

Among the Mexican public, Donald Trump’s visit to their country last week went down like an errant cannonball dropped into the Caribbean.

The Republican presidential candidate has been widely reviled for his remarks regarding Mexican immigrants and his far-fetched proposal to make Mexico pay for a wall on its U.S. border.

I guess I should point out that the individual that WaPo tasked with writing this story, in which every detail is breathlessly reported with an anti-Trump spin, i.e. “far-fetched proposal,” is this leftist dune monkey named Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor), another in a long line of brown people from one part of the world being employed by media Jews to lecture White people on how they should treat brown people from another part of the world.

ishaan tharoor

Ishaan Tharoor, who we’ve covered here on the Stormer before, has been arrested not once, not twice, but 17 times for shitting in the street outside of the WaPo offices.

But I could write an encyclopedia on that phenomenon, so back to the story at hand.

The anger is still boiling and has prompted an opposition lawmaker to present legislation preparing for a potential Trump victory in November. The proposed bill would empower the Mexican government to retaliate against Trump’s potentially hostile policies. This, according to reports, includes giving the Mexican Senate the power to review dozens of existing bilateral treaties with the United States, including the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, where Mexico ceded more than half a million square miles of its territory to the United States.

This idiot seems to believe, or would have you believe, that the 1848 treaty was something the Mexicans just sat down and decided to do, out of the goodness of their hearts.

It was not.

Here’s an extremely condensed version of the history of events leading up to the treaty.

In the early 19th century, Mexico still had no control over it’s territory now known as Texas. Despite a wealth of natural resources, it was a harsh environment, full of red savages of the type who had no use for things they couldn’t eat, rape, torture, or murder. Knowing that the squatty brown mestizos who were, and are, the bulk of the Mexican population would never have what it takes to tame such a wild land, the Mexican government employed empresarios such as Stephen F. Austin, the Father of Texas, who would recruit Whites to come to Mexico in exchange for land, contingent on them learning to speak Spanish and converting to Catholicism in order to become Mexican citizens.


Way more Injun than a Mexican can handle

After much success with the program, and a revolution in Mexico, a new Mexican government decided to toss out the agreements they’d made with these White pioneers. The Edict of 1832 barred any further White immigration. In 1834 Austin himself was arrested and imprisoned, and many other transgressions were visited upon the White settlers.

Another revolution ensued, this time led by Whites with the goal of an independent Texas republic.

On April 6, 1836, in what has become known as The Battle of San Jacinto, 450 Texans took advantage of the lazy Mexicans’ insistence on taking a nap in the middle of every day, and routed 1900 Mexican troops, capturing General Santa Anna, the Emperor, and forcing him to sign a treaty granting Texas it’s independence. They also kept his wooden leg and LOL’d about that forever!


Still LOLing!

In the ensuing years, Mexico kept saber-rattling about taking Texas back, and in December 1845, Texas was annexed into the United States of America.

In 1846 President James K. Polk decided he’d had enough of these Mexicans and their snotty behavior, and promptly invaded.

In 1847 the USA took Mexico City.

And in order to get any of their country back, they were forced to sign the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

So much for the facts.

The proposal, pushed by center-left Sen. Armando RÍos Piter, probably will not pass, but it is a sign of the outrage felt in Mexico over Trump’s rhetoric and the prospect of his presidency. It would make funding Trump’s border wall illegal and call for countermeasures should Trump try to divert the billions of dollars that Mexicans in the United States send home in remittances.

“In cases where the property/assets of (our) fellow citizens or companies are affected by a foreign government, as Donald Trump has threatened, the Mexican government should proportionally expropriate assets and properties of foreigners from that country on our territory,” reads a draft of the bill cited by Reuters.

So now they’re writing laws with Trump’s name in them! How much butthurt does that signify?

And what will these “countermeasures” avail them when we don’t allow them to import cars, drugs, salsa, tequila, and donkey-show performers anymore?

Nada. It will avail them nada, señor.

The fact of the matter is, that wall is going up, and it’s going up fast, and Mexico is going to pay for it, by hook or by crook!

Besides, what really makes these mestizo morons so angry is the loss of their NAFTA gibsmedats.

“This [bill] is simply to protect a successful 22-year-old relationship [Nafta] that has helped both nations,” Ríos Piter told the Financial Times. “We want to defend that from a position that seeks to destroy it. We have to put it in black and white.”

Right. Because that giant sucking sound has been music to their ears for 22 years now. And that “relationship” has meant the closing of our factories so that new ones could be built in Mexico.

Of course, rejecting the legal basis for Washington’s claim over the American Southwest and Pacific coast would certainly send a message.

It would send a message all right, and that is that Mexico and it’s government are comprised of silly people with infantile mentalities, who throw tantrums when they don’t get preferential treatment!

The truth is, most red blooded Americans don’t care one bit whether Mexico claims the USA as their territory. They’re already invading like roaches, and we are preparing to put a stop to that.

But it would be interesting to see what these little beaners would do when faced with based Texans.


tfw you’re not playing around