Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2014

Just when you thought it was happening, it turns out it is.
Today the stupid ape President who allowed our country to be infested with a deadly and contagious virus canceled a campaign trip today to address the fact that, lo and behold, a second nurse who treated the invasive and diseased ape in Texas has been diagnosed with Ebola.
This certainly shows just how infectious this disease is, and just how incapable of containing it we are – it shows just how wrong the filthy ape chief and his dirty Jew comrade at the CDC were when they told us “hey, silly goyim, no problem, it’s fine, we can let all of these diseased monkeys in our country and nothing at all will happen, silly goyim.”
Nurses are constantly dealing with persons infected with diseases – that is their job – and they aren’t getting infect like this.
The nurse was traveling through the midwest and boarded a plane the day before she was diagnosed.
Authorities declined to say what type of care the nurse provided to Thomas Eric Duncan, who was diagnosed with Ebola after coming to the U.S. from Liberia. He died Oct. 8.
Even though the nurse did not report having a fever until Tuesday, the day after she returned home, she should not have boarded a commercial airliner after learning that another nurse, Nina Pham, had been diagnosed with Ebola, government officials said Wednesday.
CDC Director Tom Frieden said no one else involved in Duncan’s care will be allowed to travel “other than in a controlled environment.”
Infected Ebola patients are not considered contagious until they have symptoms. Frieden said it was unlikely that other passengers or airline crew members were at risk because the nurse did not have any vomiting or bleeding.
Even so, the CDC is alerting the 132 passengers aboard the Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 from Cleveland to Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday “because of the proximity in time between the evening flight and first report of illness the following morning.” Officials are asking them to call the health agency so they can be monitored. The woman flew from Dallas to Cleveland on Oct. 10.
Also Wednesday, Kent State University said the second nurse was related to three university employees and that they were asking the workers to stay off campus for 21 days “out of an abundance of caution.”
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the additional infection is “a serious concern.”
“What happened there (in Dallas), regardless of the reason, is not acceptable. It shouldn’t have happened,” Anthony Fauci, director of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of NIH, said Wednesday on MSNBC.
The nurse reported a fever Tuesday and was in isolation within 90 minutes, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said.
“We are looking at every element of our personal protection equipment and infection control in the hospital,” said Dr. Daniel Varga, chief clinical officer for Texas Health Resources, which operates Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.
The second nurse will be transferred to a special bio-containment unit at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, where other Ebola patients have been successfully treated, Frieden said. Pham will be monitored in Dallas to determine the best place for her care, Frieden said.
The CDC has acknowledged that the government was not aggressive enough in managing Ebola and containing the virus as it spread from an infected patient to a nurse at a Dallas hospital.
“We could’ve sent a more robust hospital infection control team and been more hands-on with the hospital from day one about exactly how this should be managed,” he said Tuesday.
Yes, you Jew snake, you definitely could have done a bit more.
But now you’ve done enough.
Please, you sneaking, stinking rat – go back to your promised land and let us attempt to contain this doom virus you’ve unleashed upon us.