Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

So, as you may be aware – or not, mayhaps – we’ve been doing a server transfer and general system updates over the past couple days. Everything seems to be cool now. But it will probably all go to hell in a matter of minutes or perhaps even seconds, because that seems to be the way my life works.
Sorry if you lost comments over the last couple days. Feel free to accuse me of some type of a conspiracy. I don’t mind. You know, it create mystique.
Last time I announced this beforehand and screwed it all up, so this time I did it secretly so as to provide myself with something we call “plausible deniability” if the deal went south.
Here are those bills I said I’d post when you guys were all like “no way is this dude stupid enough to pay $1000 to host his site”:
So, hopefully we’re now rolling strong.
I hate dealing with this crap.
All I ever wanted to do was promote racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and various other radical forms of hatred on the internet.
It just is not my field in any way. I am embarrassed I’m not better at it.
I guess I’m going to need to learn to trust in the WN internet community instead of hiring random Eastern Europeans to do my IT work. I have deep-rooted trust issues.
Though this last random Eastern Euro was good.
Shoutout to the great nation of Romania.
It’s a place I’d live forever if I thought it was a good idea.
As always, this donations are appreciated.
Also, give me whatever informations you have about how the site is running. Speed in particular, or any other issues.
I am already aware some of the thumbnails are not resizing properly.