Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2015

Federal prosecutors have released a statement claiming that six Bosnian Moslems living in the US have been charged with providing money and supplies to terrorists in Iraq and Syria. The indictment, unsealed Friday, describes a secret network using codewords on Facebook to exchange messages about their plot.
The funny thing is, these guys were trying in secret to arm terrorists which the Obama administration is publicly arming. And now they are being charged with a crime for doing the same thing Obama does, publicly.
Anyway, of course I want to see these Moslems fry or at least deported because they all make me sick – I don’t care if they are “White” Bosnians – but it is quite a funny situation.
Federal documents filed in the US District Court of the Eastern District of Missouri explain that all six suspects are Bosnian immigrants. According to the indictment, two of them, a husband-and-wife team living in St. Louis, came to the United States as refugees, and four other were either naturalized citizens or legal permanent residents.
Ramiz Zijad Hodzic, 40, his wife, Sedina Unkic Hodzic, 35, and Armin Harcevic, 37 all living in St. Louis; Mediha Medy Salkicevic, 34, of Schiller Park, Ill.; Nihad Rosic, 26, of Utica, NY and Jasminka Ramic, 42, of Rockford, Ill. are among the suspects. According to the Department of Justice, five out of them have been arrested and a sixth remains at large.
As per the indictment, the group collected and donated money to be given to intermediaries in Syria and Iraq or used to buy combat gear, US military uniforms and tactical equipment to be transferred abroad.
According to the indictment, the group made use of Western Union and PayPal for completing the money transfers, ranging from $250 to about $1,800. Sedina Hodzic also transported military and tactical supplies to Turkey through the US Postal Service, the indictment says.
As per US Assistant Atty. Gen. for National Security John P. Carlin, “Today’s charges and arrests underscore our resolve to identify, thwart, and hold accountable individuals within the United States who seek to provide material support to terrorists operating in Syria and Iraq“.
Definitely funny. But one of those “does not compute” moments for most Americans, I think.