March 16, 2014

Birmingham police received reports of six banners hanging at various points along interstates in the city today that proclaimed “diversity = white genocide” that could be connected to a national organization trying to stage rallies today around the country.
The specific wording on the banners shows a likely connection to a group called the White Man March that is trying to organize events around the country today, but none was announced for Birmingham. An event is planned in New York City today by the self-proclaimed “pro-white” group, according to reports.
Birmingham police took action this morning after receiving reports about the banners. “We just removed the signs,” Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards said in a phone interview this afternoon.
Police had received calls starting this morning of banners hanging from various overpass locations on Interstate 59/20 in the downtown area as well as the 12th Avenue overpass on Interstate 65, Edwards said.
“We don’t want stuff like that. We want to remove it quickly. We don’t want to alarm the citizens. We don’t welcome that type of mentality and behavior here,” Edwards said.