SJW Retard Whines About Racism in Christian Colleges

Daily Stormer
June 12, 2016


If da wite man ain’t be keepin’ me down wid his racism… I could be buildin’ pyramids and shieeet.

Biological race doesn’t exist.

But whites are racist and evil.

Also, blacks are wise  and noble somehow lol.

Campus Reform:

A social justice warrior-blogger has claimed that school spirit clubs at Seattle Pacific University (SPU) are part of a larger culture of racism plaguing Christian colleges across the US.

Dae Shik Kim Hawkins Jr. argues in a recent blog post that old white men hold all of the power in changing the racist culture of American colleges, saying he worked for the SPU Multi-Ethnic Programs for one year, where he advised minority students who felt unwelcome at the small Christian school located in Seattle, Washington.

Hawkins believes SPU is not living up to its motto to “Engage the Culture and Change the World,” claiming that SPU disrespects minority students, even though the Multi-Ethnic Programs department offers minority students club memberships and scholarships.

What? You think giving minorities money and social clubs is enough? Not quite. You have to change everything and control every action of every white student to make sure these useless brown people never have their feelings hurt. Otherwise, you’re just another white supremacist.


At SPU, he asserts, “a student of color will experience racism, discrimination, lack of resources, isolation, social dislocation, emotional stability [sic], and many other things, due to the color of their skin [sic].”

Can this chink even speak english?

To demonstrate his point, Hawkins posts yearbook photos of a group called “The Orange Men,” a male residence hall club that dresses in orange jumpsuits and acts as a fan club for the SPU Falcons basketball team.

While he was at SPU, Hawkins recalls that minority students who had been “traumatized by our country’s prison system” periodically came to him seeking counsel due to the presence of the Orange Men at SPU.

Blacks get triggered by the color orange, because prisons.

taylor swift eye roll

*Rolls eyes*

In one recent example, he reports that the club marched across campus mocking the Black Lives Matter movement with a chant of “Orange Lives Matter!”

LMAO. These boys may be closeted Nazis after all!

“SPU is like most of white America, willing to acknowledge the ‘other’ only to the point of exploitation,” he contends. “They will take POC’s culture, food, clothing, stories, and slap them on a prospective student pamphlet until their cultures are fully appropriated.

Being of Korean and African-American heritage himself, Hawkins feels that helping minority students at SPU and elsewhere is impossible without transferring the power in education from old white men to people of color.

This is the SJW agenda in a nutshell. Weird racial anomalies like this “Hawkins” guy agitating to strip whites of their power in order to get more “gibsmedats” for themselves.

This process wouldn’t stop until whites are slaves to 70-IQ dindu overlords.


We Harvard now

But it’s very good for us that we have these dumb SJW are pushing this insanity so hard, so fast. It’s easy to show ordinary people how insane this is.

In fact, we need to be working to push these people further.

As a Napoleon said, never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.