Skeptic Who Said He Wanted to Take on the Alt-Right is Making a Series Talking About the JQ

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2017

Well well, what have we here?

Did this guy after saying he wanted to tackle the Alt-Right get redpilled?

I’m not sure about you, but I’m looking forward to this. Nobody can study the JQ and not realize that it is in every way correct.

My prediction is that shortly after this series begins this guy is going to do one of two things:

1) Begin secretly being aware that everything we say is right and making content that is just barely not edgy enough to get shoahed.

2) Shut it all down and pretend it never happened.

Either way, he will probably get kicked off YouTube as well as help to make a lot more people aware of the JQ.

Strap in boys, it’s going to be a wild ride.