Skin Hate: NFL Bans Kneeling Nubians

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 24, 2018

The NFL has announced that it is banning the African people from kneeling during the National Anthem at football games.

The kneeling Nubians were protesting America, a racist nation which enslaved them for tens of thousands of years before a slave-uprising led by the black scientist Martin Luther King in the early 1980s freed them from their shackles.

The King uprising was sparked by the murder of an escaped slave named Rodney King, who was beaten to death with a folding chair by KKK Grand Dragon George Zimmerman.

Despite the fact that they have been freed from slavery for over 30 years, American Africans suffer routine, everyday oppression in the form of microaggressions and violence. Furthermore, white police regularly drive into black neighborhoods in giant armored tanks and start opening fire on black school children. In 2017 alone, 800,000 black people were murdered by white cops.

This came after the US Supreme Court in July of 2016 upheld the Constitutionality of the 88th Amendment which states that it is “fine to slaughter niggers” as long as you “don’t slaughter so many niggers that it creates a river of niggerblood that flows into the street and causes traffic congestion.”

The ruling further stipulates that if a dog drowns in a pool of American African blood, the person responsible for the slaughter is required to either buy the person a new dog of equal or greater value, or use scientific technologies to bring the dog back to life (unless it is a pit bull, in which case the drowner is given the $150 federal bounty for killing a pit bull; the US Constitution refers to pit bulls as “the niggers of the dog realm”).

Earlier this year, Donald Drumpf, American President and Russian agent of white supremacy, announced that he would be deploying a fleet of Gundams to Chicago to “handle the black problem.”

Despite assurances from the White House that the Gundams were simply being sent in to “keep the peace,” White House insiders confirmed to the New York Times that Trump routinely refers to American Africans as “delinquent farm equipment” and has ordered Gundam Central Command to target black schools, churches and community centers for “liquidation.”

The Times also reported that Trump has stated that he wants to make the Charleston Church massacre, where 750 black church goers were mowed down by Dylann “DyRo” Roof, a white supremacist member of the Neo-Nazi hate group The Daily Stormer, “look like a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s.”

Given this state of affairs, it is virtually unfathomable that the NFL would tell American Africans that they do not have a right to condemn America to damnation during their sportsball performances.

It begs the question: is NFL management simply responding to the historically low ticket sales and television ratings that resulted from the protests last season? Or do they hate black people, because of the color of their skin?


NFL owners have unanimously approved a new national anthem policy that requires players to stand if they are on the field during the performance but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they prefer, it was announced Wednesday.

The policy subjects teams to a fine if a player or any other team personnel do not show respect for the anthem. That includes any attempt to sit or kneel, as dozens of players have done during the past two seasons to protest racial inequality and police brutality. Those teams also will have the option to fine any team personnel, including players, for the infraction.

“We want people to be respectful of the national anthem,” commissioner Roger Goodell said. “We want people to stand — that’s all personnel — and make sure they treat this moment in a respectful fashion. That’s something we think we owe. [But] we were also very sensitive to give players choices.”

Goodell said the vote was “unanimous” among owners, although San Francisco 49ers owner Jed York said he abstained. York said that all owners that voted in in the process supported the change. The policy will be part of the NFL’s game operations manual and thus not subject to collective bargaining. The NFL Players Association said in a statement that it will review the policy and “challenge any aspect” that is inconsistent with the CBA.

There is also speculation that the League is responding to pressure from President Trump himself, who promised during his State of the Union address earlier this year that he was going to “put Chris Kyle in the stands to headshot any uppity Negro who refuses to stand up.” The President then slammed down the large hammer that he was waving around during the speech on the podium and screamed “BOOM HEADSHOT.”

Trump apparently was unaware that the famous white supremacist sniper Kyle died in 2013. When a reporter brought this up to him on Twitter, he responded with “No, dumbfuck! Alive and well!” accompanied by a recent photo of Bradley Cooper, the actor who played Kyle in Clint Eastwood’s 2014 biopic “American Sniper.”

Asked to clarify Trump’s statements, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said that Trump did not literally mean Chris Kyle, but was simply using him as an example of a person with the skillset needed to shoot black protesters at long range at NFL games. Pressed about the Cooper Tweet, Sanders said that she “hasn’t heard” anything about Trump approaching Cooper to be involved in assassinating black athletes. She went on to note how shocked she was when she learned the actor played the voice of “that weasel boy” in Guardians of the Galaxy, which she described as “a fun film for the whole family.”

Cooper, himself a white supremacist, laughed off the situation when asked about it by Late Night host Jimmy Kimmel.

“I would love to kill those filthy monkeys that are disrespecting this great country, but unfortunately I’m not Chris Kyle, I just played him in a movie.” Cooper added: “I’d be happy if the President wants to put me on the field and let me shoot those niggers at point blank range with my Glock, but I’m just not comfortable firing from the stands with a sniper rifle. I could hit a white person and end up in jail.”