Skittering Rat Bastards in Brussels Clear the Way for Visa-Free EU Entry for Turk Apes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2016


Intelligent female overlord Madam Merkel has figured out a plan to allow our most ancient blood enemies inside of our base to help us enrich ourselves with diverse cultures.

Merkel had to figure out a way to stop the millions of Moslems she invited into Europe to live on welfare from continuing to pour in.

Her solution?

Get Turkey to stop them in exchange for allowing tens of millions of Turks to come to Europe and live on welfare.

Absolutely brilliant.

Financial Times:

Brussels will this week propose visa-free travel to Europe for 80m Turks but says Ankara still needs to meet several politically explosive reform conditions within weeks, including overhauling its terrorism laws and party funding rules.

The enhanced travel rights were Turkey’s main windfall from a landmark EU deal in March, in which Ankara helped dramatically cut migrant flows to Europe by agreeing to take back all migrants arriving on the Greek islands.

Only 500 have been sent back so far, and thousands are entering every day.


We gave them Constantinople, and it’s high time we gave them the rest.

But hey – whatever.

At least we’ll get all of these Turks.

Maybe they will pay our pensions.

Even so, political wrangling in Berlin, Paris and Brussels over the softening of visa conditions has raised serious doubts over the ability of the EU to approve the Turkish deal by June — a step Ankara has warned would kill the migration agreement.

The stage is now set for a stand-off before the June visa deadline, with far-reaching consequences for the migration crisis, domestic politics across Europe and Turkey’s long-term relations with the bloc. Decisions on visa rights for Ukraine, Georgia and Kosovo are set to be taken at the same time.

On Wednesday the European Commission will legally recommend Turks should be granted short-term visa-free travel to the Schengen area. But it will point out that up to nine of the 72 eligibility conditions required of Turkey remain incomplete, according to people familiar with the proposal.

An updated commission report will be issued in mid-June on these unfinished so-called benchmarks, putting pressure on Ankara to rush through the measures before the European Parliament and EU member states vote on final approval in late June.

The most difficult of the unmet conditions include bolstering Turkey’s data protection rules to cover certain security agencies, revising terrorism legislation to better protect minority rights and anti-corruption measures that would increase transparency on political funding in Turkey.

Prosecuting journalists for questioning the government is not something that the EU takes issue with, apparently. There is also no demand that they stop shipping weapons to ISIS, or that they stop importing ISIS oil and selling it to Israel.

The requirements they do list are just nonsense things that they could easily just waive.

This nightmare is coming true.


Bitch=Burned down.

Get ready for 80 million Turks, Europe.

And hey, you Baltic and Polish faggots who keep attacking me for supporting Russia: these Turks are going to be in your bars, seducing your women. They have more money than the asylum seekers. They will be going on sex tours throughout Eastern Europe.

You’ll have to just sit there and take it.

Mariano Fortuny La Odalisca, 1861.ct

But hey: at least you’ll have NATO there to protect you from a Russian invasion!

When you see these men walking back to their hotel rooms with your women, I want you to ask yourself:

Would Putin have allowed this?