Skripal Poison Confirmed to Have Been Produced in UK – Not Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2018

Oh so I guess maybe this is why the UK was pushing the White Hats to stage a gas hoax, yeah?


Theresa was about to get called out as poisoning those people herself.

Now that’s all lost in the fog of war.


The substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, according to Swiss state Spiez lab, the Russian foreign minister said. The toxin was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with an incapacitating toxin known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate or BZ, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, citing the results of the examination conducted by a Swiss chemical lab that worked with the samples that London handed over to the Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The Swiss center sent the results to the OPCW. However, the UN chemical watchdog limited itself only to confirming the formula of the substance used to poison the Skripals in its final report without mentioning anything about the other facts presented in the Swiss document, the Russian foreign minister added. He went on to say that Moscow would ask the OPCW about its decision to not include any other information provided by the Swiss in its report.

The Swiss center mentioned by Lavrov is the Spiez Laboratory controlled by the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection and ultimately by the country’s defense minister. The lab is also an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of the nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and is one of the five centers permanently authorized by the OPCW.

The Russian foreign minister said that London refused to answer dozens of “very specific” questions asked by Moscow about the Salisbury case, as well as to provide any substantial evidence that could shed light on the incident. Instead, the UK accused Russia of failing to answer its own questions, he said, adding that, in fact, London did not ask any questions but wanted Moscow to admit that it was responsible for the delivery of the chemical agent to the UK.


This is all just stacking hoaxes upon hoaxes.

Going all the way back to the Obama era and that idiot Ukraine hoax, with the fake shooting that caused the kikevolution there.

Same deal with Georgia.

Hell, this goes all the way back to Bill Clinton’s Albanian terror war on Serbia.

Russia has literally done nothing wrong, ever, throughout any of this – it has all just been a series of false flags and other forms of staged hoaxes.

Trump was supposed to save the US by making friends with Russia, and instead he’s going full kike.

But you know what?

Russia can probably win a war.

If not – is a nuclear wasteland really worse than what we have now?

Like seriously, is it?


A post-nuclear wasteland could actually be awesome.

We can just run in gangs and take over territory, kill our enemies and rape their women, then probably there will be some people in an underground base like, planning to recreate a futuristic empire after all the filth is cleansed.

I’m actually feeling pretty good about WWIII, if that’s the way it’s gonna go.

At least that shit will be exciting, right?