Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2015

Everything about White people is racist, but did you know that everything about black people is a result of the racism they suffer, including how they sleep?
Yes, sleep has been identified as another area of black victimhood. The Daily Caller clued us in to the truth that White people sleep better than blacks because blacks are troubled from all the racism done to them by Whites when they are awake.
Scientists have determined that sleep is the latest thing to be racist.
News of the development comes from National Journal in a lengthy article that debuted late last week.
The article, which manages to reach nearly 6,000 words, cites several studies, including one conducted at the University of California, San Diego. For the five-year study, researchers hooked 164 human subjects up to a polysomnography machine (which features a brain scanner, eye trackers, breathing sensors and much else). They found that black participants and white participants experienced sleep differently. In a nutshell, the white study subjects achieved slow-wave sleep — which is the really good kind — about 20 percent of the time. Black subjects only reached this quality level 15 percent of the time.
A study published in June in an academic journal called SLEEP also concluded that white people, black people, Chinese people and Hispanic people sleep differently.
University of Maryland, Baltimore psychologist Danielle L. Beatty Moody suggested that the sleep problems black people experience at night can be attributed to all the racism they encounter during the day.
“It’s uncomfortable for them to sleep because they are thinking back over mistreatment, thinking back over maltreatment, thinking back over bias they experienced,” Beatty Moody told National Journal. “In thinking about those experiences, they are getting more aroused, more cognitive arousal, which does the opposite of what you need it to do to go to sleep.”
See, there is no such thing as a black that does wrong. Blacks do the right thing all the time, and if they do occasionally transgress that is because of slavery, racist cartoons from the 30s, and Arnold from Diff’rent Strokes.

It is because of their purely angelic condition, and the high levels of sensitivity that result from having pristine souls that the black is deeply troubled by the slightest hint of having racism done to them; such as when they don’t get hired to be managing directors of corporations they never even heard of; they don’t win Lotto; and when cops violate their civil rights by arresting them for killing White people because of Mike Brown.
Clearly, it is now up to Whites to figure out how we are going to show an acceptable level of guilt for depriving the black race of quality sack time.
Giving them free money would be a good start, since poverty is related to being black and therefore blacks are discriminated against with affirmative action in the workplace.
Stony Brook University preventive medicine professor Lauren Hale suggested that poverty is the main issue. She said black people tend to suffer more sleep-related problems because they tend to live in poor areas.
“I have never seen a study that hasn’t shown a direct association between neighborhood quality and sleep quality,” Hale told National Journal.
“If you know somebody in your neighborhood who has had a break-in, you might feel pretty uncomfortable shutting your eyes falling asleep while your two or three children are sleeping in the room next door and no one else is there to protect them,” she added.
University of Chicago epidemiologist Diane Lauderdale noted that rich black people sleep better, but still not as well overall as white people do.
“The race gap is decreased if you take into account some indicator of economics,” Lauderdale told the Washington, D.C.-based digital media company.
It’s a “tragic spiral,” National Journal explains. Less sleep is a symptom of poor health which affects black communities and poor health leads to even more poor health among black people.
So money is not enough and Whites are just patronizing blacks by thinking that giving them money could help them catch more Zs. If rich blacks like Kanye West cannot get some heavy REMs going then racism is at boiling point and more Whites need to die; Quentin Tarantino needs to make more films about Whites being killed; and a new campaign called Black Sleep Matters has to immediately hit the streets where White people hang out.
Moreover, if reading about this makes you yawn, then you are DOUBLE racist.