Sleezy Ratbag McCain Attacks Trump Again, Saying He Needs to Prove Wiretap

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 12, 2017

The viciously sleezy old ratbag and anti-American traitor John McCain has once more come out and attacked Our Glorious Leader.

It is so absolutely disgusting to see this evil undead weasel even speak the words “Donald Trump.”

John McCain is so far below Donald Trump, that this is like a piece of bacteria insulting the constellation of Orion.

John McCain insulted him on Russia, suggesting his role in a global Putinist conspiracy.

Washington Times:

“There’s a lot of things about our relations with Russia that trouble me a lot,” Mr. McCain said. “There’s a lot of aspects of this whole relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny, and so far I don’t think the American people have gotten all the answers. In fact, I think there’s a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede.

Specifically, Mr. McCain was asked whether longtime Trump confidante Roger Stone should be called to testify before Congress. Mr. Stone last week said he had conversations with the online hackers Guccifer 2.0, the group that claims to be responsible for the breach of Democratic Party email servers during the height of last year’s presidential election.

It was the latest in a string of revelations involving figures close to Mr. Trump meeting or speaking with individuals or groups connected to Russia. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for example, recently was forced to admit he met several times with the Russian ambassador last year at the same time he was acting as a top surrogate for the Trump campaign.

“Obviously I think [Mr. Stone] and others need to be questioned,” Mr. McCain said.

The gibberish ghost then attacked Trump’s honesty, claiming that he made up the Obama wiretap.

Regarding Mr. Trump’s claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the campaign, Mr. McCain said he has “no reason to believe the charge is true.”

“I do believe that on an issue such as this, accusing a former president of the United States of doing something that is not only illegal but unheard of, that requires corroboration,” he said. “This is serious stuff.”

The Obama wiretap is public knowledge, confirmed by the New York Times.

We also now know that the CIA was already recording everything, everywhere – and that Obama himself approved this program.

There is zero doubt about the authenticity of this claim.

Comey is going on a technicality, and Clapper is just lying.

These people all know it’s true.