Slimy Goofball Paul Ryan Says No Deporation Force! He Denies Our MANDATE! Get Him Out!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2016

So, Trump is on CBS saying we’re going to round-up 2 million people and send them back as soon as he takes the throne – and at the same time cucked out faggot Paul Ryan is on CNN telling Jew Tapper it isn’t going to happen.

He says there will be no deportation force, and illegal wetback criminals can rest easy.

Paul Ryan cannot resume his role. He should have already resigned. The Presidential election (and the primaries) were a referendum on his entire globalist scheme, and he lost.

And instead of doing the reasonable thing and getting in line, he’s now just openly attacking Our Leader – Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America – and acting like he has the authority to just push him around.

What a dumb bastard.

What does he think? Does he think this is some kind of dream?

Republicans are never going back to being Democrat lite. We are never going back to open borders, free trade and endless war.

It’s over.

The politicians left over from this era are obsolete.

The vote is on Tuesday. After these statements on the Deportation Force, Paul Ryan has no right to continue to serve as Speaker, or in the Republican party at all. In fact, I’m not even sure he should be allowed in the country. Wasn’t he one of the people who said he would move to Canada if Trump won?

Best grow that beard back, Paul you faggot – it’s cold up there.

The Daily Stormer has officially endorsed Steve King for Speaker, btw.